Q and A

Exposing Lies


Points of Truth Newsletter


In this Issue

The God of this World Did God Create the Devil? Let Your Light Shine
Jesus had a Choice-He Chose You The Sower Never Stops Sowing Feast of Tabernacles Testimonies
Old Testimonies Revisited    


The God of This World

By Pastor Larry R. Lasiter

Until 1994 I never experienced depression and anxiety. I was a happy and confident person from my youth. But in 1994 at the age of 40 years old I was suddenly struck with an anxiety attack and depression followed. I was attending the Feast of Tabernacles in Snowmass Village, Colorado with the newly formed Global Church of God. It was the opening service of the first day and I was asked to come forward to offer a prayer of blessing for the Festival. Snowmass Village is a ski resort which is about 8200 feet above sea level, so the air is very thin which can make breathing difficult. I briskly bounded up the steps and made my way across the stage to the microphone, but when I opened my mouth to speak I found that I was out of breath. It was only a few moments of silence, but it seemed much longer to me. It was then that I suddenly felt a sense of panic, and anxiety began to rise up. I was an experienced speaker, and public speaking had occasionally caused nervousness but not fear, so I was shaken.

Afterwards I began to have anxiety attacks for no apparent reason. I became depressed and felt a sense of heaviness and I couldn’t understand why. When I would examine my life and how blessed I had always been, it seemed so strange and even alien to feel this heaviness. I was uncomfortable just talking with others-fearing that anxiety might come upon me suddenly -it was embarrassing. I had developed a phobia of having an anxiety attack. Sometimes I would feel as though I just needed to take off running, but you can’t run from depression or anxiety. In 1995 the Crusade Church was formed and I was ordained a Pastor. But much of the time I was unable to minister because of uncontrolled fear. I was in despair and starting to lose hope.

This debilitating condition lasted almost two years before I discovered the truth (or at least a partial understanding) of what was happening to me. To be completely transparent it was years before I fully understood the root cause.

One day I was watching a TV program about overcoming phobias. The instructor told his students to "act as if," meaning to act as if they were not afraid of whatever they had a fear of. One woman had a fear of spiders, so he brought her near a large spider and encouraged her to act as if she was not afraid of it. He made the statement "your brain has learned to react in fear, but your brain doesn’t know the difference between something real or something imagined. So if you begin to act as if you are not afraid of spiders your brain will begin to rewire the way you respond-you will create a new reaction much like how muscle memory works."

I was desperate and found this very interesting. It seemed to me a Christian concept. We are told to respond as we should and not as we may feel. To forgive when we may not feel as if we can or want to. So, I began to put this formula into practice. When I felt anxiety coming upon me I consciously said "no" and I forced myself to act as if I had no anxiety. And very soon I began seeing the results I so needed. I refused to receive the heaviness and sadness and forced myself to rejoice and give thanks to God. And it began to work like a miracle from God. Soon I was back to my former self, happy and confident. At the time I believed that all I was doing was retraining my brain to react the way I wanted it to. And I should say, that does work and does have its legitimate place but I later found that there was a more malevolent agent than the flesh at work.

During that period of time I thought that I was dealing with the flesh. I believed that in putting into action the "act as if" formula that I was "crucifying the flesh" as the Apostle Paul taught. Because I believed it to be a problem in my flesh it made it impossible to understand fully. I couldn’t understand why I could look at my life and see how wonderfully blessed I was and yet feel as though I was in a dark and bottomless pit of despair. I could clearly see that I had everything good to look forward to, but my feelings didn’t match what my eyes could see and what my mind knew. It was years before I would learn that my period of depression and anxiety was not caused by the fallen nature of the flesh, but by a fallen being. I had been attacked by a demon-probably several of them, but surely a spirit of fear and heaviness-and the spirit of hopelessness was there awaiting his opportunity. "Familiar spirits" who knew me and my family well.

A demon is a person without a body. Christians wrestle against malevolent beings without bodies. "For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age." (Ephesians 6:12 GNT) It’s important to understand that when we go through such attacks it is personal. Evil does not exist where Satan does not influence and rule. And evil does not exist where there is no person. Even the suffering of the creation is a direct result of a fallen person tempting the first created persons to rebel against their Creator. It’s common to hear people discuss the existence of evil as if evil is a thing or an act without recognizing that there is a "person" who is behind it. It’s unfortunate that most Bible translators have left out a single but very significant word in the Lord’s Prayer-the word "one." It’s there in the margins of your Bible but is usually left out of the text. Jesus actually said to pray this, "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one." Just the omission of that little word renders evil a mere thing rather than a sinister and powerful person.

I came to understand that the source of my bitter trial was demonic by nature and not a mere weakness of the flesh. Where there was weakness in the flesh the fallen spirit was there to exploit. So why did the little "act as if" formula work? Because in following this method I was unknowingly also using God’s formula for victory over the evil one, -"Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) I had submitted to God by accepting what He says of me regardless of how I felt. He said that I was forgiven, accepted and greatly loved by Him. He said that there is no condemnation in Christ. The Lord said that I was greater than however I happen to feel and that I must live by faith in the One Who gave His life to save me. And in resisting and saying "no" to the anxiety, the heaviness and depression that I felt, I was in fact resisting the lies and oppression of the devil. I submitted to God and I resisted the devil, and he eventually fled from me. Now, he comes around from time to time to see if there is an opportunity to work again-so we must always be watchmen who do not slumber but keep watch.

Who and What the Devil is

Before going into battle an enemy must always be clearly defined. The more is known about the weaknesses and strengths of the enemy the greater the chance for success. And it must be certain that the enemy is rightly identified and sometimes that can be difficult. On September 11, 2001 enemies of America flew aircraft into the World Trade Centers killing almost 3000 people. Our nation wanted to retaliate but we weren’t certain what enemy had attacked us. Our intelligence agencies began carefully gathering information to determine exactly who planned the attack and who carried it out. But regardless of what nation, group or people carried out this horrific attack on civilians, the true enemy behind all evil is Satan the devil.

Satan is the powerful spirit at work behind wars and conflicts. As far as we can determine by the Bible, he is the creator of war. When he rebelled against God he led his forces to Heaven to war against God, Himself. His goal was to overthrow God and take His Throne. (Isaiah 14/Ezekiel 28) We see in Revelation 20 that after he is released from his prison (during the Millennial Reign of Christ) he will stir up nations to war against Christ and the Saints. Thankfully, God will cast him into the Lake of Fire afterwards. Of man’s nearly 6000 years of recorded history, there has been only about 200 years without war -there are always nations at war. Satan and his demons have the power and authority to cause terrible sicknesses and infirmities. His forces are what is at work wherever you find disobedience to God. (Ephesians 2:2) As we learn from the Book of Job, Satan also has the power to cause "natural" disasters. Satan is a murderer. He is the spirit at work behind every murder. He takes pleasure in the murder of the pre-born and little children. It was this blood thirsty spirit who deceived people into worshiping idols that demanded the sacrifice of babies. And it is his spirit at work which influences people to murder 50 million babies each year by abortion. 125,000 babies are aborted each day in this present age -86 babies per minute which is more than one baby per second.

Christians are called into service to war against Satan and his forces of darkness. Though Satan influences and stirs up people our battle is not against flesh and blood, -"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses." Satan uses people but they are but mere instruments in his hand. We must not aim at flesh and blood but at the dark army controlling them. We do not pray against people but direct our prayers against the evil one and his demons. The following verse reveals that one of the strongholds of the devil is the fortress of speculation. -"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

One of the devil’s most dangerous tactics is planting a speculation in the mind of a believer. A speculation is not a known fact, and a speculation from the devil is designed to cause the believer to question and become unsure -to be confused. Left unchecked the believer will find himself imprisoned by the chains of uncertainty. This is why God has given His saints divinely powerful weapons which can tear this fortress down. The saint must capture each speculative thought and subject it to the obedience of Christ. We must never lay down a truth from God so that a lie from the devil may prosper.

Satan is the ultimate master of deceit, -"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14) He doesn’t want you to know who he really is. The devil never comes to you with a sign around his neck that says, "Hello, I’m the devil and I’m here to deceive you." He practices stealth and intrigue and should be taken most seriously. He is after your soul and will offer you "another Jesus" or a "different spirit" or a "different Gospel", all of which will appeal to the fallen desires of your flesh. "But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus. . .or you receive a different spirit. . .or a different Gospel. . .you bear this beautifully." (2 Corinthians 11:3-4)

Satan has actually deceived the entire world, -"And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." (Revelation 12:9) 1 John 5:19 says that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. Paul told the Corinthians that Satan is the "god of this world", and that he blinds the minds of the unsuspecting in order that they may not see the light of the Gospel."

Satan is the god of this world and has been given authority by God to rule until the coming of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords. God does limit what the devil can do-God sets the parameters for which the devil can work. Almost all people since the fall of man have worshiped Satan whether they knew it or not. "I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice (to idols) they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." (1 Corinthians 10:20-21) Notice also, -"All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. (Revelation 13:8)

By the time of the flood, Noah was the only man on the earth who worshiped the true God. And he alone with his family were saved from the destruction of the flood. Satan has always fostered the lie that all religions will take you to God. This is his way of placing a veil over the truth that there is one God, one Savior, one Gospel, one faith, and that God cannot be worshiped except in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4)

People generally think of Satan the devil in two ways -as a comical character dressed in red with a pointed tail, or as a monstrous looking beast who is outwardly terrifying. Both of these portrayals are deceptions from Satan. He is a powerful malevolent being who hates God and man and should never be taken lightly. And he would be easy to recognize indeed if he came appearing as a hideous creature as he often is on the silver screen. But in reality, he is deceptive. What you see is not what actually is. He appears as an benevolent angel of light-a trusted friend. And his ministers who lead people to worship him and his ways also appear as messengers of light, -"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

As we have read, the whole world lies in his hand and all but those whose names are in the book of life worship him. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11 most people receive "another Jesus" and "a different spirit" and "a different Gospel." When the Scriptures say "the whole world" this means many who think of themselves as Christians.

Satan is the tempter. Satan even tempted Jesus in the wilderness as He was fasting. Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said, "all of this I will give to You if You will worship me." (Matthew 4) Jesus never disputed that Satan had the world to give. Satan tempted Eve in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were given permission to eat of all the trees in the garden save one-the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was at this forbidden tree that the serpent met and enticed the first woman to disobey her Creator. The tree was in the very center of the garden so Eve had seen it many times. She surely observed that the fruit looked desirable to the eye, yet she never partook of it and ate until the tempter craftily spoke lies to her. Satan achieved his goal of causing man to fall from God’s grace and to bring death to all men. Satan hates God’s creation and especially man who is made in the image of God.

Satan has the ability to give worldly things and even power to those who will worship and serve him. If you are enticed by the things that are of this world, then the devil can easily get your attention because he can give you those things if you worship him. If your mind is focused on the things of this world he is already at work whispering, "You can have them." As he did with Eve, he will always leave out the truth that there is an eternal cost to pay -"if you take what God has forbidden, you shall not surely die."

The Bible warns that we can give the devil opportunity to tempt us if we lack self control. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is that of self control. But the flesh is weak in self control and if we give into the pulls of the flesh we give the devil opportunity to begin a malevolent work in us. 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 is one of Paul’s teaching on marriage and relations between husband and wife. In verse 5 he warns each couple to stop sexually depriving one another and, "to come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." (Verse 5)

Satan is an accuser. The Bible says that he accuses the saints of God day and night, -"The accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night." (Revelation 12:10)

We get a glimpse of this in Zechariah Chapter three-Joshua the High Priest of Israel was seen by the Prophet standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan was standing at his right hand accusing him. The High Priest of Israel was to enter beyond the veil into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement to make reconciliation for the children of Israel.

Satan was making the case against Joshua, accusing him in order to disqualify him. Indeed, the Prophet saw that Joshua was clothed with filthy garments which represented sin in his life. Joshua made no defense-he knew well that he was unworthy and guilty of the accusations. But a wonderful act of grace occurred! God commanded Satan to be silent and commanded the holy angels to remove Joshua’s filthy garments and clothe him in pure and clean garments. That is an accurate portrayal of each of us who have come to see our filthiness and who cried out to the Lord who cleansed us and clothed us with the pure righteousness of the Lamb of God.

In Scripture Satan is referred to as a "liar" and the "father of lies." As an "adversary" an "enemy" a "roaring lion seeking someone to devour." He is called "the prince of this world" and the "prince of the power of the air." He is "the serpent of old" and the "dragon." And he is called "a murderer from the beginning." He is called "ruler of the darkness of this world" and the "prince of demons."

There is no great struggle between God and Satan. Though Satan has the title of "god of this world" he is not the Creator God. Satan is merely a created being who rebelled against his Creator and was cast down to this earth as an enemy of God. Unlike God, he is not all powerful, nor is he omnipresent. God can be everywhere at the same time but Satan cannot. When he appeared before God in Job Chapter 1, he told God that he had been walking to and fro patrolling the earth. 1 John 5 tells us that the evil one cannot touch those who are saved in Christ. So the only power he has over the saints is wherever we may open the door to give him opportunity. Satan is a formidable foe, but a defeated foe. His destiny has already been written. At Christ’s return he will be seized, chained and imprisoned for a thousand years, then afterwards be cast into the Lake of Fire. Satan and his demons do not rule Hell. Hell was created by God for their ultimate destruction, -"the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matthew 25:41)

Demons are Satan’s fallen angels

Like Satan, demons are persons without bodies. They are in service to Satan and do his work. Demons want to torment and torture. They want to keep you from coming to Christ to be saved. And if you do come to know Christ as your Savior they will work to keep you from being an effective servant of God.

We always need to determine if our problem is from our flesh or from an evil spirit. We can crucify the flesh and it’s desires, but we cannot crucify a bodiless person. Perhaps you come to be tormented by a spirit of heaviness and depression as I once was-well if it’s a spirit you cannot deal with it as if it is the fallen nature of your flesh. If it’s a spirit it must be cast out -not necessarily as in an exorcism rite -it may be by simply submitting to God and resisting the devil as I did.

If you’re deceived into believing that it’s just you then the door is open for the demon to place the blame on you -and over time work to prepare a place in you to receive the spirit of condemnation. But if you know that your problem comes from the work of an invisible person who is oppressing you, then you can call upon the Lord in faith to deliver you. And again, the Lord may simply tell you to "submit to Me and resist the devil."

Satan and his fallen angels have been here on this earth long before man was created. They are much smarter and have much more experience than human beings. They not only know you, but they know everyone in your family history. They are called "familiar spirits." They study each of us tirelessly and know where our weaknesses lie. They already have, and will continue to plant lies that will be passed without thinking from father to son and from mother to daughter, etc. This has gone on from generation to generation. When we come to Christ we must be diligent to break that cycle.

I am not implying "generational curses" which are in fact not real if you read Ezekiel 18 carefully, but our careless and deceiving beliefs that we pass from generation to generation that have consequences. If you are being oppressed by a spirit of heaviness and depression, the spirit will whisper in your consciousness "It runs in your family." This is an effort to get you to accept the oppression. But you can call upon Jesus, your Deliverer. There is a vast difference between wrestling with the flesh and it’s desires than doing battle with an invisible person who seeks your destruction. (Concerning Ezekiel 18, read "The Truth about Generational Curses" at our web site)

Demons will entice. When a thought comes into your mind with specific words or communication, such as, "take your life, end your suffering now" or "pick up that money and keep it-no one will ever know" -then obviously it’s a person enticing you.

The flesh produces emotions, feelings, lusts and urges, but never speaks to entice you to sin. Demonic spirits are watching and waiting for you to entertain such pulls of the flesh in order to speak enticing words to you as the serpent did to Eve. Though Eve saw that the forbidden fruit was desirable, she would have never taken and eaten without the spirit of the devil enticing her. Eve fell into disobedience because she began to listen to the words of the serpent.

Demons harass and torment. A demon of anger will follow you around all day looking for an opportunity to enter you to work his wickedness. All people get angry from time to time. Paul told the Church to not let the sun go down before you laid down your anger. But when a person receives a spirit of anger they surrender control of themselves. Out of control anger is always demonic.

For example: A man has an unusually stressful day at work. So many things have gone wrong and because he doesn’t want to be fired he bottles up all this pressure inside. After work he is so glad that this day is over and is looking forward to peace and quiet at home. All the while the spirit of anger is following, carefully observing. When the man gets home, his wife tells him that the electric bill is overdue -the children seem to be making more noise than usual, and dinner is not ready. The man now really wants to just let all this bottled up stressful pressure go and he just blows up and explodes in anger. He’s not really mad at his children or his wife, but since they are there they are in the line of fire. The spirit of anger is now at work and everyone has been wounded.

Now the spirits of "emotional hurt and pain", and of "shame" and of "resentment" and of "distrust" and of "unforgiveness" and of "bitterness" and of "division" and of "divorce" are all awaiting their chances to move in. Divorce will prevail if hope is lost. The Bible says that hope is what anchors our soul. Without hope we will drift aimlessly through life.

The husband and father’s ability to act as the head of his family is in jeopardy. The home is no longer a comfortable haven -division exists. Now the wife, being emotionally wounded is weakened and vulnerable to the advances of another man who may speak "kind and understanding" words to "comfort her" -and the spirit of adultery awaits his opportunity to move in to destroy the family.

In all this, there is a real danger for unforgiveness to find it’s place in everyone involved. Unforgiveness results in torment. Those who refuse to forgive others will receive the spirit of torment. In Matthew 18 Jesus told a parable of two men who owed debts they couldn’t pay. One man owed an insurmountable sum of money and was graciously forgiven. But this same man was owed a small debt which he refused to forgive. When the Master who had forgiven him the great debt heard that this man was unwilling to forgive even after he had been forgiven, he took away the certificate of forgiveness and handed the guilty man over to be tormented and tortured. We can look at this as applying to the future judgment of Hell, but I believe that it has a broader meaning. This guilty man was assigned to the tormenters and torturers "until" he paid back his debt. But once a person is cast into the Lake of Fire there is no returning-no opportunity to pay back a debt. I can testify, that as a Pastor who shepherds the Lord’s flock, I have never known a person with a bitter, unforgiving heart who was not also living in torment.

Some of you like feeling that you have been victimized. You are mad because you like being mad. It feels better to blame others for your own problems. But the Holy Spirit has not led you there. There’s another spirit at work that is there to separate you from the will of God and to steal away the joy of your salvation. Forgiveness does not deny pain suffered nor change the past but it does break the cycle of bitterness and turns pain into an eternal weight of glory

Saints have been given authority

Must of what you have read thus far is the "bad news." But there is good news. The good news is that the saints of God have been given authority over Satan and his dark forces.

When Jesus sent his disciples forth to preach the Gospel they returned rejoicing saying that even the demons were subject to them. "The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And Jesus said to them, ‘I was watching Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL THE POWER of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in Heaven." (Luke 10:17-20

As born again Christians we are told that we have been given spiritual armor to put on and a shield of faith that will protect us against the fiery arrows of our enemy. We are promised that we possess divinely powerful weapons which are able to destroy the devil’s strong fortresses. We have been told that our enemy is a defeated foe and that our faith makes us victorious.

In closing, we must understand that though we are the most powerful army that God has ever formed -even more powerful than the war angels of Heaven who defeated Satan’s rebellion, yet we will suffer in this world. We are promised persecution, tribulation, peril and sword. We will have hardships as we follow Christ and war against Satan’s forces, but he can only touch our flesh -our true eternal life is safely hidden in Christ. All the Apostles suffered martyrdom save John who was exiled on the island of Patmos.

Many of the great cloud of witnesses recorded in Hebrews 11 suffered while on this earth -but they endured until the end and will receive glory, honor and eternal life at Christ’s coming. "Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written, ‘For Your sake we are being put to death all day long; we were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’ But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:35-39

Let us not be ignorant of the devil’s tactics but wise and on guard, and not only for ourselves but also for our brethren. Let us not give opportunity for Satan’s minions to work in our lives. Let us be diligent to be careful what we allow our eyes to see and our ears to hear. Let us be diligent to carefully guide and direct where our feet take us. The tongue can be a powerful tool and a devastating weapon. It is the tongue that allows us to speak. And it is the spoken Word which created all things, and by which we confess our sins, ask forgiveness, pray, and even cast out demons. And yet the tongue is a restless evil that sets the whole world on fire, (James 3) - let us always bridle our tongue and use it only against the dark forces of this age and for the glory of God.

A bridle is used to control the horse, a powerful animal. It is the bridle that gives the rider the power to direct the horse in the right direction. Let us bridle our tongue that we may exercise power over it that it may be used for a force for good. And let us pray without ceasing against the dark forces that hold so many captive, and for our Father’s love and power to be clearly seen in us.


Did God Create the Devil?

By Lani Finley

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (Isaiah 14:12)

Where did the devil come from? How did such a creature come to be? Did God purposefully create an evil being? The Bible reveals the answers to these questions. They can help us understand why Satan really is the enemy of mankind.

To understand Satan’s origin we must go far back in time, before man existed. Genesis 1:1 tells us that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." However, as is usually the case, the Bible doesn’t tell the whole story in one or even several verses. We find more details elsewhere in the Bible, in this case in the book of Job.

When Job, because of difficulties he was having, began to question God’s judgment, God responded with pointed questions to help him realize he didn’t have the wisdom to question God. In His response, in the form of questions to Job, God revealed some details about His creation of earth. "Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?" God asked him. "Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? . . . On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone—while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7, NIV).

God here reveals information no man could know, since no man was present at creation. God described the earth at its creation as a dazzlingly beautiful jewel floating in space. The creation events were so magnificent that "all the angels shouted for joy." The angels— spirit beings God had created—already existed when God made the earth. They were united in their joy when God had created the world, singing and shouting in exultation. They were in perfect harmony and agreement at that time.

A beautiful earth becomes a wasteland

Some time after this, however, the situation dramatically changed. Genesis 1:2 tells us that, after its creation, "the earth was without form, and void." This English translation doesn’t adequately convey the meaning of the original Hebrew. The words tohu and bohu, translated "without form" and "void," are better translated "waste and void" (YLT)

However, in Isaiah 45:18, God expressly says that He "did not create it [the earth] in vain." Here the same Hebrew word, tohu, is used. If God did not create the earth in a state of "waste and void," how did it come to be in that condition?

Part of the answer is indicated in Genesis 1:2. The Hebrew word hayah, translated "was," can also properly be translated "became," as it is translated in Genesis 2:7 and 19:26. The earth was not created waste and void but became that way at some point after its creation. The Rotherham translation of Genesis 1:2 appropriately reads, "Now the earth had become waste and empty."

God created the earth in such sparkling beauty that the angels were overjoyed at its creation. But something happened to bring it to a condition of devastation and waste. Its original beauty was destroyed. God then reshaped it, forming it into a beautiful home for the first man and woman, as recorded in the remainder of Genesis 1. But the Genesis account does not tell us the entire story. Something else happened between the first two verses of Genesis that is not recorded there.

God does give us additional details of what brought on this condition of confusion and waste in several other chapters of the Bible. In 2 Peter 2 the Bible records several examples of God’s judgment for wrongdoing. Verses 5 and 6 discuss the flood of Noah’s time, then the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

But before this, in verse 4, we read that "God did not spare the angels who sinned, but thrust them down into Tartarus [a place of restraint], and delivered them into chains of darkness, being reserved for judgment" (Modern King James Version). When did these particular angels sin, and what was their sin?

Again, we must look at other verses to find the answer. Jude 6 gives us additional details: "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these [God] has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day" (NIV).

We saw earlier that at earth’s creation all the angels were happy and joyous, singing and shouting together. Obviously, then, at a later time some sinned—destroying the wonderful harmony and cooperation they had once enjoyed. What was the nature of their sin? They "did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home"—they left the place and position God had given them. They rebelled against their Maker, the Creator of the physical universe and the spirit world of angelic beings!

The first war

In Isaiah 14 we find more information. This chapter describes this angelic rebellion and identifies its ringleader. It gives us many important details we could learn of in no other way.

In verse 4 God addresses the "king of Babylon." In Isaiah’s time the city-state of Babylon was emerging as the major power in that region of the world. Its king was a warmonger, expanding his empire through brute force. He enslaved, plundered and devastated the nations around him. His philosophy was satanic—acquiring wealth and power at the expense of others, gaining it through violence and bloodshed. This king of Babylon exemplified Satan and his characteristics.

In verse 12 the subject shifts from this physical king to another powerful being, here translated "Lucifer." The original Hebrew word for this being—used only this one time in the Bible—is Heylel, which apparently means "brightness" or "shining one."

Many scholars recognize that the original language here is in the form of a lament, an exclamation of mourning over a great loss. "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High’" (verses 12-14).

Who is this being who dared to exalt himself above the stars (angels; Revelation 1:20) of God, to challenge God Himself as ruler of the universe?

In Ezekiel 28 God gives us the answer. This chapter is written much like Isaiah 14. God begins by discussing a human ruler, then shifts to the spiritual power behind the earthly throne—the behind the-scenes ruler who controls the kingdoms of this world (compare Luke 4:5-7). In Ezekiel 28:2 God addresses the "prince of Tyre." Tyre, a coastal port city north of ancient Israel on the Mediterranean coast, was famous as a trading center. Its rulers had grown haughty and presumptuous because of their wealth and influence. In verses 6-10 God tells this ruler that because of his arrogance, his might and wealth would fail and he would be overthrown.

But notice in verse 12 that God begins to address "the king of Tyre" rather than the prince. This being is the true ruler, the real power behind the throne.

God’s description of this "king of Tyre" makes it clear that He is speaking to no physical human being. ". . . ‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created" (verses 12-13).

No mortal human could accurately be described as being "the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty." This being was created—unlike humans who are born rather than created. This being had also been "in Eden, the garden of God." Other than Adam and Eve, no people had been in Eden. God had expelled Adam and Eve, after which He placed an angel there specifically to prevent anyone else from entering (Genesis 3:24).

In the next verse God mentions some of the history of this being. "You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones" (Ezekiel 28:14).

Fall of a Super Archangel

What do these remarkable statements mean? What is a "cherub who covers"?

Hebrews 8:5 tells us that the tabernacle established by Moses— the portable sanctuary the Israelites carried with them through the desert—was "a copy and shadow of what is in heaven" (NIV). In Exodus 25:18-20 we find that God instructed the Israelites to make a representation—a physical model—of His throne for the tabernacle they would carry with them in the wilderness. At either side of the "mercy seat," which represented God’s throne, was a golden cherub with wings extended to cover the mercy seat. These two cherubim, fashioned out of gold, represented real angelic beings— the great super Archangels whose wings cover God’s throne.

The being God addressed through Ezekiel is called the "cherub who covers," indicating that once he had been one of the great angels depicted in the model of God’s throne. God gave these angels the awe some distinction of serving at and covering the very throne of God.

Many other scriptures say that God "dwells between the cherubim," showing that these wondrous creatures accompany and serve Him at His seat of power (1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:2; 2 Kings 19:15; 1 Chronicles 13:6; Psalm 80:1; Isaiah 37:16). This magnificent being apparently held a position of honor and distinction in God’s angelic realm.

This same great cherub is also described as being "on the holy mountain of God." In the Bible, "hills" and "mountains" are often used to symbolize governments (Revelation 17:9-10). Apparently this super Archangel administered and assisted in the governance of other angels, who number in multiple millions (Daniel 7:9-10).

God also says to this cherub, "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you" (Ezekiel 28:15). Like the description in Isaiah 14, this passage describes a created being, not a human. This being was extraordinary, perfect until he sinned.

". . . You were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones" (verse 16, NIV). This once marvelous being sinned and was expelled from God’s throne, cast away in disgrace.

What was the sin that brought this great angel banishment from God? Isaiah 14:13-14, which we read earlier, gives us the answer: "You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars [angels] of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’" (NIV). This powerful spirit entity decided to challenge God for control of the universe!

Transformed from good to evil

What had been an amazingly beautiful, immensely talented spirit being with great responsibility in God’s angelic order became, through his rebellion against Almighty God, a reprehensible, despicable creature. He became Satan—the adversary, slanderer, accuser and destroyer. He became the devil—the enemy of God and humanity!

The immense powers he had used in God’s service were turned, not to serve God, but to try to thwart God’s purposes. This creature remains an enormously powerful spirit being, but now his powers are used for wicked, destructive ends.

This being became so vain and proud that he thought he should be ruler of the universe. God tells him, "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor" (Ezekiel 28:17). His enormous talents and abilities led him to believe he was equal to, if not better than, God Himself. His thinking became corrupted. He rebelled against God and tried to overthrow Him. By his rebellion against his Creator he transformed himself into Satan the devil.

He was not alone in this rebellion. Millions of other angels joined him in rejecting God’s authority and leadership. We find this symboically described in Revelation 12:3-4: "And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon . . . His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth . . ." Verse 9 identifies this dragon as Satan. As we saw earlier, the Bible uses stars as a symbol for angels (Revelation 1:20). This apparently indicates that a third of the angels followed Satan in this rebellion.

The Bible refers to these rebellious angels as demons. They are fallen angels—who had plummeted from their purpose of serving God and humanity (Hebrews 1:13-14), reduced to hatred and bitterness toward God and His holy purpose for humanity. In Scripture they are shown to be able not only to influence but possess humans (that is, exercise even more direct control than a human hypnotist could). Such demonic control can often cause people to exhibit violent and self-destructive behavior (Matthew 8:28; 17:14-18; Acts 19:14-16; Luke 8:27-33).

God’s servants are not to be fearful or overly anxious about such demonic influence affecting them. Evil spirits are fewer in number and inferior in power to God’s faithful angels, who are "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14). Christians are to be confident because "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7).

A strong mind spiritually attuned to God’s way of life is the best way to resist demonic influence. Faithful servants of God are to be filled with His Spirit (Ephesians 5:18), enabling them to resist such influence and causing evil spirits to flee (James 4:7). Also, the true ministers of Christ have been given authority over demons, enabling them to cast demons out of those possessed (Matthew 10:1, 8; Mark 6:13, 16:17). After all, God is the ultimate source of power.

C.S. Lewis said. . .

"What I call my 'SELF' now is hardly a person at all. It's mainly a meeting place for various natural forces, desires, and fears, etcetera, some of which come from my ancestors, and some from my education, some perhaps from devils. The self you were really intended to be is something that lives not from nature but from God."

Let Your Light Shine

By Brittney Slusher

The evening of a meteor shower I woke up my children at 2:00 A.M. to watch the stars. At this moment in time we were witnessing something that speaks millions to many, to the believer and non believer alike.

Quoting the great poet King David in Psalm 19,

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."

No doubt, like many people around the world, we were searching for shooting stars. We were spread about looking and straining for just a glimpse of one. We live in the suburbs, always showered by the haze of the city. As we lay waiting for the glimpse our eyes become adjusted to the darkness. While we lay there searching the skies, several different moods are going on among us; exhaustion, amusement, and just the awe of it all.

Then in a moment it all changed as the bright lights of a car drove past. Our neighbors beam of light shined directly on us. The sudden shock of being thrust into the light was hard to adjust to. At the moment we were just wanting the lights to leave so the pain might stop.

Sometimes these moments catch us unaware physically and spiritually speaking. We catch ourselves in the darkness of sin, and when we are brought into the light of the truth of God’s Word it hurts. That's why David says to the Lord , Your staff and rod comfort me. We know physically if someone hits you with a rod the blow would hurt but if it directs you to a safer path you would be as David, thankful to be awakened.

Christianity as a whole is dimming it's lights more and more to attract people. But this only allows people to be comfortable in their darkness, allowing them to think they see when they are actually blind. I could put it no more plainly then this: we are to be those bright, bright painful lights in the world.

As Jesus says perfectly in Matthew 5:14,16

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Jesus had a Choice, and He Chose You

By Larry R. Lasiter


"For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it up again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father." John 10:17-18

There is a theology which paints Jesus as a victim who was oppressed and victimized by the world’s system. But this is not true. Jesus was not forcefully arrested, beaten and crucified against His will. The authorities in power had no power except what God had given to them that the will of God should be fulfilled, notice what Jesus said to Pilate, -"You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;" As our text says, Jesus had the authority to lay His life down but no one had the authority to take it.

Only moments before His arrest He went to His Father in prayer. There in the garden He entreated the Lord so fervently that He sweated drops of blood. He testified to His disciples that He felt as though He was dying. He was painfully aware of what He was about to endure to pay for the sins of humanity. He inquired of His Father asking if there was another way to save those lost in sin - but there was no other way.

All have sinned and are subject to the penalty of sin, and only the blood of a perfect and righteousness sacrifice could make propitiation. The animal sacrifices offered by Israel were powerless against sin. -"But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." (Heb.10)

While Jesus suffered on the cross, some mocked Him by asking why He didn’t save Himself. They were making fun of the fact that Jesus had said that He had power to save sinners. In essence they were saying that if He was unable to save Himself, why should anyone believe that He had the power to save others.

But they were ignorant of the truth that by choosing to lay down His life was the only way to accomplish that. Jesus knew that He could call thousands of angels to His defense at any time, yet He said, -"What shall I say, ‘Lord save Me from this?’ It was for this reason that I came into the world."

The Gospel message is clear, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus had to suffer death for us. Not just the first death which amounts to sleep and is appointed to all, but also the second death because that is what His sacrifice saves us from. Remember, His sacrifice does not save us from the first death, but from the second death in the Lake of Fire.

Jesus had the power to lay down His life and to take it back up again. His death and resurrection is there as the hope for all men.

If He had not given His life our sins would remain, and if He had not taken His life back up by the power of the resurrection, our hope would be meaningless.

The theology of the Gospel is that those who receive Christ were crucified with Him and were resurrected to life in Him, -"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me." (Gal.2)

Jesus put the love of God on public display on a hill called Calvary. He shared in our pain and in death itself in order to reconcile us to our holy Father. He is worthy of our worship and adoration.


The Sower Never Stops Sowing

By Larry R. Lasiter

Most Christians are familiar with the parable of the sower. (Matthew 13) As the story goes, a sower went forth to sow and as he did some seeds fell by the roadside, some among rocky soil, some among thorns and some fell onto good and fertile soil. Jesus explained that the seeds represent the Word of God -initially the Gospel message of salvation.

The seeds which fell along the roadside the enemy quickly picked up so that they would have no chance to take root. In the parable this represents people who heard the message of the Gospel but did not understand or consider it and Satan snatched it away. The seeds which fell on rocky soil took root and began to grow, but since the roots were so shallow the plants quickly wilted under the heat of the sun. This represents people who received God’s Word but laid it down when they experienced persecution and found that there was a cost to pay. The seeds which fell among thorns also took root and began to grow, but were choked dry by the worries of the world and the deceitfulness of obtaining wealth. The seed sown upon good soil represents the person who receives the Word with joy, understands the value of it and begins to bear fruit for the Sower. The Sower, ultimately is God, though He spreads His Word by His faithful servants.

Jesus followed the parable of the sower with a like story of men who sowed their field with grains of wheat only to find that an enemy had secretly sown the seeds of weeds among the wheat. When the wheat sprouted then up came the weeds as well. Weeds use up the nutrients of the soil, but unlike wheat they bear no useful grain. And they could not easily be removed since their roots entangle the roots of the wheat.

The wheat represent the sons of God and the weeds represent the sons of the evil one. Consider why the enemy would secretly plant his sons among the sons of God? "Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude, verses 3-4) Their goal is to turn true members of the Church from the original, Apostolic Faith to licentiousness. Licentiousness is a "disregard for the rules of correctness."

Though we usually apply the parable of the sower with the initial message of the Gospel of Salvation, it has a much broader meaning. Receiving the Gospel, repenting of sin, baptism and receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is just the beginning. The Bible teaches that the saints "are saved", "are being saved", and "shall be saved if they endure until the end." After the initial salvation the process of sanctification begins by which we are to, -"work out our salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12) What this means is that the Sower never stops sowing His Seeds of truth. We grow spiritually in the grace and knowledge of God by receiving new "seeds" in good soil which allows them to grow and bear fruit in our lives. We will, at times be faced with trials for the testing of our faith. And at times the evil one will plant thorns or cast stones in an effort to stop or hinder the growth of whatever seed the Lord has just planted.

For example: My dear friend Bishop Joseph Kimani of the Pure Word Churches of Africa shared the hardships he experienced when he learned of the Sabbath Day and was convicted to begin observing it. He was already saved and faithful to all the truth and understanding that he had. He had invited a minister who he had met online to come and preach crusades in Kenya. The man accepted but when he arrived and began preaching the outdoor crusades he preached the need for observing the Ten Commandments, including the fourth Commandment to observe the seventh day Sabbath. After the first meeting Brother Joseph confronted him and explained that his congregations observed Sunday not Saturday. At that point the minister asked the Bishop if he was open to a joint study of the matter and Brother Joseph agreed. After pouring over the Scriptures Brother Joseph became convinced and convicted that Saturday was the seventh day and that the Bible taught Sabbath observance. For years he had just assumed that the Sabbath had been changed to Sunday. But now he understood clearly that God had sown a new seed of truth and that to reject it would be to reject God.

Brother Joseph received this new truth in good soil but it did not stop the devil from sowing thorns and casting stones to cause problems. The next Sunday he announced to his congregation that the Church would begin holding services on the Sabbath the next week. The organization that he was affiliated with quickly sprang into action by sending a high ranking Overseer to the Church. This official told the congregation that Brother Joseph had received "doctrines from demons" and publicly denounced him. About 70% of the congregation left him. Receiving this new truth also cost him his Pastoral salary. But the Bishop was faithful and now God has blessed him with many congregations in Kenya and Tanzania. In 2001 I spent five weeks with him preaching outdoor crusades and strengthening and establishing new Churches.

All Christians are a work in progress. None of us know and understand all of God’s marvelous truths. The Sower never stops sowing seeds and if we ever come to a place in our Christian walk where we deny a truth to be planted and be established in our lives, we will stop growing and eventually die. Every time you read your Bible, hear the Word preached or sing a hymn or praise song, seeds are there to be received and planted. This is necessary in order to complete the sanctification process.

A group of tourists were walking through a picturesque village in Europe and as they passed by an old man sitting on a bench one asked, "Were any great men born in this village?" The old man replied, "No, only babies." Everyone begins life as a baby. Most babies will never grow to be a great in this world. But even the greatest of the great began as a baby who had to grow to the stature of greatness. As a father of five I watched my children grow from their birth. I watched as they struggled to learn to first crawl, then walk and finally run and jump. All five are grown now and have matured in many ways, but they are still learning today. I am happy to serve as Pastor to the four who live in Arkansas. And I have been privileged to watch them grow spiritually in the grace and knowledge of God through the years.

The purpose of the Sower in continuing to sow seeds in our lives is to bring us to the maturity of Christ. We are all still growing. Our Heavenly Father refers of us as His "children." Bringing His children to maturity is the reason the Lord placed certain gifts in His Church, -"And He gave gifts to men. . .And He gave some as Apostles, and some as Prophets, and some as Evangelists, and some as Pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ; until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man. . .speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into Him. . .from Whom the whole Body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the Body for the building up of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:8-16)

And this is what spiritual maturity looks like, -"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with it passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit." (Galatians 5:22-25)

Spiritual growth will empower us, convict our hearts regarding sin, produce godly love, lead us into truth and reveal the awesome mysteries of God.

Spiritual growth includes, 1. Increasing our knowledge and understanding of God’s will. 2. Decrease our frequency and severity of sin in our lives. 3. The increase of practicing Christ-like qualities. 4. And will increase the level of our faith.

James Chapter 1 says that each of us should examine ourselves by using God’s Commandments as a "mirror." How do you measure up? Are you growing in Christ? Can you bear more that your once could? Are you more content? Have you grown to be more quickly obedient? And do you find that you have grown wiser?

Feast of Tabernacles 2018 -Testimonies

We sponsored the Feast of Tabernacles 2018 again at beautiful Camp Wyldewood in Searcy, Arkansas. We enjoyed eight days of celebrating before the Lord and of having divine fellowship with each other. The theme for this year’s Feast was "You Have Come to Mt Zion." We have three evening ceremonies that are always particularly meaningful and powerful-"The Christian Concert by Signet", "An Evening in the Court of King Jesus Banquet" and the evening "Last Great Day Worship, Prayer and Testimony Service." The following testimonies will be from the evening service ushering in the Last Great Day.

We never know exactly what God wants to do, nor how He wants to do it during this time. So, I always isolate myself in prayer and mediation the afternoon prior and just listen for instructions. Also, everyone in attendance to this Feast had been asked to offer fervent prayers for this event.

What we always do is set up rows of chairs facing each other with a large open space in the middle in order to rise and come together. At the front between the rows we have two mic stands, one for taller people and one for shorter people-in order that they may testify as the Lord moves them.

This year the Lord moved me to set an Altar in front of the mic stands and told me that this was the Altar of Consecration. Then He told me to set an Altar in the back and said this is the Altar of Encounter. It seemed uncomfortable to me since our Sanctuary, nor any Sanctuary I have ministered in for the past 44 years had an Altar. Then I heard the Lord reassure me that we actually worship at His Altar on Mt Zion, but that there is great value in earthly shadows of the Heavenly realities-these two Altars were shadows, but shadows of Heavenly realities. Then He brought to my attention that the weekly Sabbath and all the Holy Day Festivals are earthly shadows of Heavenly realities, but He still wants us to observe them.

This year the Lord moved me to have a song entitled "I Surrender" to open this service. I had not remembered the lyrics to this song but I knew it was significant to the Lord. As I listened I then realized that the vocalist began singing "Here I am, down on my knees again, surrendering all. And find me here, Lord as You draw me near, desperate for You, desperate for You." It then follows with a plead to "Speak to me now." In my mind I could see the vocalist offering a desperate prayer at an Altar to encounter the Presence of God and to hear Him speak. It was also during the playing of this song that the Lord moved me to have the Elders come forward to anoint the Altars. As we came to the Altar of Encounter I encountered the manifest Presence of God-heavy and thick like moving through water. It was powerfully emotional.

After this song we all moved in the center of the hall to raise our voices and arms in enraptured praise. God then moved me to direct the brethren to seek out one another, embrace and say "If I have ever offended you or hurt you, please forgive me, I love you." And I gave the instruction that if you feel unable to do this, go to the Altar of Consecration and pray first. Many wonderful things happened during this service. PRAISE THE LORD! Larry R. Lasiter, Pastor

God’ Manifest Presence Appears

Being a new member of the Crusade Church, this was my first Feast of Tabernacles. It was about 4pm Sunday. We were having services at 7:30 to bring in the last great day. I felt led to go down to the bluff overlooking the Little Red River for some alone time with the Father. At first I was just admiring the view. Then I got down and started to pray. Aside from the more personal things, I also kept asking the Father to manifest his Presence. When I looked up I noticed a dandelion rising up out of the valley. When I started to focus on it, it started to move towards me. Eventually it was just hovering about 15-20 ft in front of me at a standstill.

I was excited but then my skepticism started to kick in. And the moment I began to question if this was just coincidence, the air around me started to sparkle. It was like pixie dust had just been dropped from the sky. I stuck around for a little while and took it all in. I didn't want to leave. But I also knew that something special was going to happen later at services so I headed back. Never in my life have I ever experienced anything like that before. Later on, after sharing my story I learned that Pastor had a similar experience. From which he got the name for this ministry. "Points of Truth Ministries – Bringing points of light into a dark world." For this reason it says, "Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you. -Ephesians 5:14

Randall Bustard

"Come be filled-encounter Me"

As I came into the sanctuary I noticed what looked like an altar sitting up front by the podium. I wondered about this and was in prayer about it before people arrived. I was somewhat uncomfortable in the flesh because it was something new. Then Pastor Larry explained that there were two altars. One was the Altar of Consecration and the other was the Altar of Encounter. I heard something during this time, " come and be filled". I forgot to tell this during my testimony the next day during services.

Shortly after hearing this I went to the Altar of Consecration to pray and ask God’s forgiveness and ask for my burdens to be lifted and my heart made new. I went and sat down in my chair and I heard an audible voice pleading, "encounter me". Fear struck my heart because to walk into the Presence of God and not be completely clean gave me great fear.

And thinking what if I hadn’t laid it all down. I heard again, "encounter me". Fear still struck me and I didn’t want to move out my chair. I heard for the third time, " encounter me". Elder Bryan Lewis then went up to the microphone and said that God wanted us to come to the Altar of Consecration, and I felt that he was talking to me and I was moved to go again to the Altar of Consecration to be prayed for. Shortly after being prayed for I went to the Altar of Encounter and bowed down and shut my eyes. I then thanked the Lord for His Presence which I felt and peace overwhelmed my heart.

During this time I saw the aura of golden bright light illuminating the area around the Altar of Encounter. I assumed that it came from the small candle to my right. The next morning I was thinking about the bright golden light, this was during hymns while a particular song was playing. At this time I realized that such small candle couldn’t put out that much light, and my eyes were closed during this time. In my heart I knew that the Lord had illuminated that area with his Presence, and joy swelled up inside me. I knew that one day we wouldn’t need a sun or a moon because the Lord would illuminate with His Presence.

Brittney Slusher


The Lord’s Golden Glory Appeared

I hear people say that God blesses us more than we know how to ask for. I didn’t understand what that meant until recently. For years the devil has built fortresses in me that I didn’t know were being built until it seemed to be too late. Growing up I started to believe that if I was going to be strong then I couldn’t show anybody my weaknesses. Yes, I could cry but only in secret. Yes, I could get mad at myself, but only in secret. I began to suppress my feelings to the point that I put on a mask that said I was okay. I would wear it with pride because I was being "strong." I was a good actor. I would cling to the idea that if I showed what I truly am, which is imperfect, then I would be hated. I had reached the place where I couldn’t cry- all my emotions were suppressed. I wasn’t sad but I wasn’t happy. But I felt that I had to show that I was "okay."

Last year at the feast 2017 was a groundbreaking moment in my life. It was the first time in a long time that I was actually able to cry. I was crying and pleading that the Lord take my pain and give me the ability to overcome. I told Him that I didn’t feel like I could bear another year of the sadness. But the Lord knew what I could handle. He led me to reach out to my brother and made me realize that I can’t do my walk alone. I need my Church.

Once I started letting go of some of my burdens the devil really attacked me with condemnation. He beat me to the ground and made me feel like I had nowhere to go. The only way I can picture it is that I would try to squirm away from him only to find that I would be where he wanted me. I hurt people closest to me and I felt like I couldn’t be forgiven. I would work on trying to understand God’s love for me. I tried to grasp that God loves me through my mistakes but I felt like He had left me. I would pray and worship and if nothing spiritual happened then I would get discouraged, like it would "confirm" my thinking that I was a lost cause. I began to try to force God to heal me and to show Himself to me. My thinking was, "I’m praying and worshiping so now it’s Your turn"

So this year on the evening before the Last Great Day I made sure to come in to worship not expecting something from God as if He owed me anything. I was thinking about that and praying about it when Big

Daddy (I’ve called Pastor "Big Daddy" since I was 4 yrs old) said that yes, we come to worship Him, but this night we needed to expect miracles-that God always seems to give to us during this service.

I prayed again with a desperate prayer. I wanted Him to heal me and I wanted Him to show Himself to me. I prayed that on the last song and afterward Big Daddy prayed again. He explained to us what the altars meant. He said one altar was for consecration and healing and one was to see or encounter the Presence of God. I was delighted because I knew that God had worded it that way through Big Daddy to confirm that I was supposed to go to both that night.

I waited to go to the Altar of Consecration and instead I began to go to my brothers one at a time asking forgiveness for any offence I have caused. As I said "I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, please forgive me." I started to realize how much I felt like I had hurt people and I felt very condemned. It reached the point that I decided that I wasn’t going to go to the altars because God didn’t want me to.

When I got to Big Daddy I could tell that he had recognized my despair. He asked me if I had gone to the Altar of Consecration, then said "go." I prayed that the Lord would give me the ability to forgive others but I don’t remember asking for forgiveness for myself. Maybe I did but I still hadn’t let it go. I got up and tried to finish my prayers with the brethren but Big Daddy came and told me to go back to the Altar of Consecration because the Lord had told him that I didn’t lay everything down. I didn’t know what it could’ve been. I knew that I didn’t feel different after my prayer but I didn’t know why. So I trusted God and my Pastor and went again. David Brown prayed over me and asked if I was able to lay everything down, and I felt like I did.

Afterwards Big Daddy led me back to the Altar of Encounter, something I would have never done unless I knew that God had ordained it. It’s not a light thing to be in the Presence of God, and I know I wouldn’t have felt worthy enough to even go back there. Of course my Heavenly Father knew that and that’s why He moved Big Daddy to lead me back there. It really blessed me that it happened that way because I felt like after years of not knowing where I stood with God, He was now speaking to me. Telling me that I need to forgive myself, because I am forgiven! And that He wants to be near me and to fellowship with me.

When I got to the Altar of Encounter, I saw a illuminating light. It was brighter than a candle so I figured it was the chandelier. But looking back I realized that the lights were dimmed in the sanctuary and this Altar was in the back and darkest part against the stone wall. All that time I kept seeing the light but I didn’t think anything of it. I thought, "was the lord trying to show me something?" But after a while the devil made me feel like I had missed out on a blessed moment with God because of something that I had failed to do. Pastor was concerned for me because I had been at the Altar so long. He came back to check on me and saw that I was crying and troubled. I kept saying to him "I can’t see Him! I can’t see the Lord!" I had prayed that if I was truly forgiven that the Lord would show me His Glory. And I felt that I had not seen.

Finally, I got up and joined in the prayers that were being prayed for people back at the Altar of Consecration. Big Daddy told me to get prayed for again and I was saying over and over, "I don’t understand!" And I still don’t understand why the lord led me to go three times. Maybe I didn’t lay everything down the second time or I picked something back up. But at the time I felt like going the third time just confirmed that I was doing something wrong. This time the Lord directed Matthew Lasiter to lead the prayer over me. He had suffered depression and anxiety a couple of years back and God delivered him during the Last Great Day service that year.

I went to my cabin and I prayed that if I still wasn’t letting go of something that the Lord would show me how to give it up because I didn’t know how. I did feel different, like the Lord had allowed me to release the weight that I was carrying. I now realize that I am powerful in Christ and that’s why the devil worked so hard to make me feel small.

The next day, I was still feeling a little discouraged and I wasn’t really looking forward to the testimonies. I knew that the Lord worked so powerfully that night and I thought it would make me sad about my missed opportunity for a testimony. But when Brittany testified about seeing the illuminating light at the Altar of Encounter, I knew in the Spirit that the Lord was confirming that He had shown me the Glory of His Presence! I literally saw the Light and was embraced by it. I find it almost comical now, because I was so upset about something that I didn’t understand. And it’s great, it’s truly great to be able to look back and just get tickled every time I think about it. That joy is something I had been missing.

Awbrie Morgan


White Crystal Tear Drop

Standing in the back with Elise before the service began, I looked into the sanctuary where the congregation was seated and saw a single drop fall. It was crystal white and fell centered between the testimony microphones just behind the Altar of Consecration. I kept watching for more but only saw the one. In our cabin later that night, I prayed the Lord would give confirmation. The next day I learned that Jessica Ryan had felt three drops like tears during praise and James Collins had seen a single red drop.

Then some of us remembered two like occasions in the past. While my dad (Pastor Larry) was praying a blessing on my brother Michael, a tear drop fell from the ceiling and landed on Pastor’s arm. He and Michael saw it and touched it-it was wet like water. Michael’s room is downstairs and Pastor’s bedroom was upstairs just above it so there was no possibility of a roof leak. Then sometime after that a single tear drop fell from above in our sanctuary and landed on Treon Lasiter’s (my mom) arm. It happened while I was singing special music. She could see and touch the tear.

Sarah Moorer

Dream of Healing and Baptism

I was sick. I had some bad problems starting up. I had a really awesome dream into the last great day after the night at the altars. I knew my healing had happened, I just had to go to dr to make sure. In my dream Adam Morales hit me with a stick. I was straight up healed. It was Sarah's husband Blake Moorer that told me to bring baptism clothes in my dream... I had no clue that was even happening. Pretty sure all that was already happening at those altars before I ever fell asleep. Pastor Larry was baptizing two after the morning services of the Last Great Day and was surprised when I stepped forward. He thought I was coming to help him out of the water, but I was coming for baptism. During the evening service of the Last Great Day I was looking toward the front and saw a red drop fall. It looked like a tear drop but was crystalized.

James Collins


From Skeptic to Believer

When I came to this Feast I was a skeptic. I had been suffering constant pain for the past nine years since I was involved in a car accident which fractured my back. It was very uncomfortable for me to even wear long pants due to the nerve pain in my legs. During the morning sermon of the first day I was in so much pain I had to get up and walk outside. I felt as though I had shown disrespect to Pastor Lasiter, so during lunch I went and apologized to him. He asked me if I had been anointed for healing and I said no. But during the afternoon service I felt moved to step forward and ask for the elders to anoint me. My pain left to my surprise!

I didn’t tell anyone for a few days. It was only after I stepped out of my cabin and tripped on a stump that I truly realized that I should give testimony of my healing. I fell hard but only received a few minor scrapes!

A fall like that would have put me down for the rest of the Feast but it didn’t hamper me at all!

I went to Pastor Lasiter and told him that when I came to this Feast that I was a skeptic, but that God healed me and that now I was a believer. I asked if he would baptize me, and he did on the afternoon of the Last Great Day.

Ben Prickett


I Wanted a Vision

The day before The Last Great Day as I was praying I desired to feel the Lord's presence. I knew He was there, I just wanted to feel His Presence and I wanted a vision. I was recounting to the Lord all the visions He has given me in the past and how very precious they were to me. On my way to the sanctuary as we ushered in the Last Great Day I felt accused, as though my motives were being questioned. I started to question my own motives on why I desired a vision. I knew those thoughts were from the enemy and that I needed to fight them, but they were still bothering me.

Later in the evening as John Murry was praying for me he asked the Lord to "show Elizabeth her pure heart." He prayed the same later as I came to the Altar of Consecration for prayer. I knew instantly that was the Lord's response to Satan's accusations. The Lord reminded me of a necklace my husband Matt gave me a few months after we married. Matt engraved "pure" on one side, but he didn't know why he chose that word. The Lord told me that was to be my reminder, that I am always welcome to seek His presence.

Later I went to the Altar of Encounter thinking if I prayed enough and pressed through the Lord would give me a vision. It didn't happen there, but I left with the understanding it would happen in God's time. That night I had a dream that it was the end times. Our church was together in a building I understood to be our church building but I did not recognize it. There was a war going on and as I looked out the window the enemy army was pressing in. They were in a straight line and everything they encountered died and was burned up The army only brought death and destruction, and they were headed straight for us.

We had no fear, not even a little bit, for we knew what awaited us on the other side of death. We all lined up in the hallway and held hands as we watched the enemy draw closer. They finally made their way to us and as a soldier came right next to me I looked over to the person I was holding hands with and said "I'll see you in eternity." And in an instant we had all vanished. We were taken from that moment and death did not touch us.

Elizabeth Lasiter


The Strong Chain that held me was broken

I cried during the evening service of the Last Great Day-I didn’t think it was possible to weep that much. It was a Spiritually powerful and touching night. Pastor had told us that God wanted us to go to each other and say "If I have ever offended or hurt you in any way, please forgive me. I love you." Then he told us that if we felt as if we couldn’t do this, then go to the Altar of Consecration and leave all unforgiveness there. I had gone to the Altar already, but Randal Bustard came to me and said that I needed to go again-that there was still someone I hadn’t forgiven. I briefly argued, but felt the fear of the Lord, so I decided to kneel at that Altar again. I met God there Who revealed to me that I had not forgiven myself and that I needed to lay down my guilt against myself. It was a liberating moment. That, along with encountering the Lord’s Presence earlier during the Feast has literally made me another person and I rejoice.

All night I wanted a personal encounter with the Lord, to feel His manifest Presence, to see Him, just something from the Lord. As I knelt at the Altar of Consecration brethren gathered around me to pray. Shane Morris was moved to pray aloud and as he prayed I saw in the Spirit a great chain. The links appeared so strong that it was impossible to break. I recognized that this was what was binding me from forgiving myself. As Shane continued to pray I saw each link of the chain shatter and turn into dusk. Then I felt the Holy Spirit moving me to wave a banner to the song "Break Every Chain." I did that the following morning during Last Great Day services.

Near the end of the evening Last Great Day service, Pastor was stirred in the Spirit and gave us all a reminder of who we are in Christ. That we were "more than conquerors" with "divinely powerful weapons of warfare" that we were "blood bought sons of God" and that "no weapon formed against can prosper." Pastor was exhorting us to leave our defensive posture behind and go on the offensive against the enemy. As he was preaching I saw the Glory of the Lord behind him as a fog or mist filling the sanctuary and I knew that He was preparing us for war-and I knew that we won that battle.

Adam Morales


Set Free

I came to the 2018 Feast spiritually battered from the previous year. In March I removed myself from my church brothers and even nearly unfriended the entire church from my FB friends list. It was due to some missed phone calls and the feeling of being ghosted by two long time twenty year friends in the church. It hurt my feelings pretty deeply unknowingly to them. In my absence from fellowship and contact with the brethren I unknowingly had forsaken God’s people, my brethren.

After three days of the Feast had passed Randall Bustard, James Collins, and I found a wonderful trifecta of fellowship that began to pull me out of my rut of showing up for services but not engaging anyone. As the Feast played out, the Lord had been working my heart to repentance as also the fellowship leading into the Last Great Day. Prior to events of Pastor being led to setting up prayer altars, the Lord had already began His incredible work that was about to play out. I sat in prayer in my pickup asking for forgiveness for forsaking all of my brothers and sisters. I felt so ashamed but knew I was redeemed but not complete. In my heart I knew I had to confess my sins to my brethren and ask them individually for forgiveness.

The evening of praise had begun and the altars were set but Pastor hadn’t completely explained what he was moved to do yet with the altars other than the naming them. The Altar up front was for Consecration to prepare for the Altar of Encounter in the back that was specifically there to enter the Lord’s Presence. While praise had opened in a sweet sound of acappella-voices singing praises I was moved twice by the Spirit to go straight to the back Altar. I was hesitant the first time because I didn’t think it was to be used yet as Pastor had not gave much explanation. I couldn’t resist the second time and went to the Altar in the back where I encountered the Presence of God for the second time in my life. The feeling of guilt and shame were present in my soul because I already knew I had to ask everyone for forgiveness and to confess that I had forsaken them.

The Lord called me back to remove those feelings and I can’t put into words how I felt when I touched the altar with my hands. I was a sobbing mess from the start of praise until I placed my hands on that altar. On my way to my knees the most blessed peace I have ever encountered rocked my soul. I instantly stopped crying and was going to ask the lord for forgiveness again for forsaking the brethren but before I could muster the thought God fired it into my soul that I was already forgiven. I sat in wonder for a brief moment, confused at the peace that had entered my heart and when it hit me and I broke down again in thankfulness to the Lord for fixing my heart and I told the Lord directly in His Presence that I would not forsake His people ever again. I slipped back into praise and John Murry noticed that I was quite shaken and put his arm on my shoulder; I immediately crumbled into his arms and confessed that I had forsaken him and was sorry.

After singing praise, the Lord moved Pastor to give his explanation of the altars which set the rest of the evening in motion. He set the stage for our intimate one on one session and he was led to have everyone ask each other for forgiveness for anything they may have done. The stage was now set but I had already, prior to any words being explained had already completed the task that was laid before us. I consecrated myself before service even started. Went before the Altar of His Presence and asked John to forgive me for my trespasses. That gave me the strength and courage to humble myself before everyone face to face.

I have heard many times of people receiving miraculous deliveries during this night. I didn’t know it but this night was tailored directly to heal my heart. Thank God for his tender mercies.

Austin Vestal


Encountered the Lord before the service

The evening of the Last Great Day Service was fast approaching and I felt like I needed to find a private place to pray and to consecrate myself before the service. I began walking in the camp hoping to find a suitable place and I same near the sanctuary. I don’t know why, but I felt like I should go in.

When I entered I felt the Lord’s Presence and saw some of the brothers preparing the room for the service and I noticed the Altars. I asked what they were for and they said that Pastor didn’t know yet but that God had moved him to have them. I sat down in one of the chairs, but then began to be drawn to the front Altar (we didn’t know yet that it was the Altar of Consecration). I stood up and walked to the Altar, kneeled and began to pray. I don’t really know what all happened there, but something happened there. I felt very strongly in the Spirit that the Lord was standing right in front of me. He was waiting for me there. And I testify also that I saw His Glory like a fog or mist.

Stacia Morgan


The Lord’s Embrace

It started Sunday late afternoon prior to the evening Last Great Day service, I was in my cabin meditating on the Word and in prayer. I had felt like there might have been something wrong, I hadn’t really experienced much in the Spirit since I came back to the Church. I was discouraged and thought that I might not have been doing all that I could be or something in me was blocking the Spirit. I wanted to prepare myself for that night and make sure that my heart was in the right place.

As I was in prayer I prayed that the Lord would move in a mighty way, that there be nothing that would hinder the Spirit from using me. I continued to pray for the Lord to allow me to feel His Presence and to be close to him that night.

As the service began, we were all together in the center of the room just lost in worship. I remember having my eyes closed and my hands raised - my left hand raised to my side and my right arm raised as high as it would go. While lost in worship I felt something drop on my hands, it felt like drops of water. I opened my eyes but I didn’t see anything. I didn’t think much about it and continued to worship.

Later on my Pastor was moved to have all of us go and embrace one another and ask for forgiveness for anything we may have done and tell one another that we loved them. I was instantly moved and I noticed half way through that I had this warm and comforting feeling surrounding me, -the feeling of an embrace. I noticed that the feeling continued even when I wasn’t hugging my brethren. I remember looking around at everyone and being overwhelmed by the love I saw and felt from them all and I started weeping. I realized the feeling I was experiencing was the Lords embrace. I couldn’t see anything but I knew in my spirit that He was there with me in the midst of everyone and He didn’t let me go. I knew then that God had answered my prayer and He allowed me to feel Him, -to feel his love and His embrace.

I felt lead to be prayed over at the Altar of Consecration. Later John Murry prayed over me near the end of the service. He prayed that when I stood up that I would continue to feel God’s love for me. That was confirmation that what I had experienced was real., because I had not told John or anyone else yet.

The next day I spoke with my Pastor and told him I had experienced three drops in my hand and I didn’t know what it meant. He then told me what I experienced was the tears of the Lord and that Sarah Lasiter Moorer had seen a white crystal like tear fall from the ceiling that same night and that James Collins had seen a crystalized red drop fall. Pastor told me that a heavenly tear fell upon his arm once while blessing his son, and that Momma T (Treon Lasiter) also experienced a tear fall on her during a service. I was instantly overwhelmed in the spirit and started to weep. God answered my prayers and I felt Him in a way I never have before. I have been filled with so much joy since and I long to experience more.

Jessica Ryan


Desperately Needed a Touch from God

For quite some time (roughly 18-24 months preceding the Feast) I'd been feeling like God was nearly gone to me. It had become rare to feel His presence like before, manifest and strong! It had even been hard to concentrate on prayer and reading, seemed like my mind just would not focus properly on these things, like I was slipping away and couldn't do anything right spiritually. I'd talked to a brother about it at points along the way and he kept reminding me of how King David wrote in the Psalms that he felt much of what I was feeling like, so I kept on trying to walk and do the things I should do, but still feeling very discouraged at times. Where was God? Why did He seem so distant? Is He done with me? Did I cross that invisible line where there was no return? I had felt these things before but with much less intensity and for a much shorter time. Through all these feelings, I still knew He was there, even though it seemed I was just getting very small glimpses of His Presence now and then.

I had been looking forward to the Feast this year, even more than normal, feeling like there would be a big move by the Spirit this year, not knowing how or what, but hoping somehow to feel Him again, like before! On the eve of The Last Great Day it happened! I showed up hopeful and hungry for His Presence, even feeling like there was a couple specific things He wanted me to do that night! I did those things and as the service went on I felt His Presence more and stronger, emotion began to flood through me as I kept feeling the Spirit work, not only in me, but others as well! I felt cleansed and renewed that night! I'm still feeling it today, holding on to Him day by day, I feel my prayers are being heard in Heaven again, not just "stopping at the ceiling", not just going through the motions! I now awaken with a praise song in my mind, even before my mind is clear! I look forward to the time spent with The Lord daily, and what he has in store for the future! PRAISE THE LORD!

Jody Nelson


Note From Pastor

The reason that Satan is able to successfully attack us with accusations and cause us to feel ashamed and even condemned is because we truly do hate sin. We are sometimes enticed by sin and the pulls of the flesh, but only our body of death finds sin attractive. When we give in to sin it doesn’t take long for our conscience to rise up and for our heart to ache. The devil will always use this as an opportunity to accuse us-trying to get us to believe that we are without hope. That we have so offended God that we dare not draw near.

This tactic rarely works in nominal Christianity because they don’t really hate sin and they picture God as a god without a true standard nor wrath. They don’t strive to please God and are not pierced when they sin. Think about how your "Christian" friends think about God. The god they worship is not so demanding. They are not drawn nor driven to seek His Presence or to strive to obey and honor Him each day. There is no hunger or thirst for true fellowship with their Creator. Most "Christians" are spiritually blind to the condition of their heart. They don’t see how wicked they really are-they truly believe that they are good people. If the devil were to accuse these people they would say "How dare you! I’m a good person! I help others! I’m as good as anybody else! So what if I sin! Nobody’s perfect so don’t you judge me!!"

But God has opened our hearts to see the truth of our wicked nature in Adam and it pains us. Even our beloved Apostle Paul cried "O wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death?!" But then he realized and accepted that he was saved by Jesus-and that there is no condemnation in Christ. And that goes for all of us who have been born again of the Spirit.

Larry Lasiter

Illustrations on Spiritual Growth

The story is told of a young girl who accepted Christ as her Savior and applied for membership in a local church. "Were you a sinner before you received the Lord Jesus into your life?" inquired an old deacon. "Yes, sir," she replied."Well, are you still a sinner?" "To tell you the truth, I feel I’m a greater sinner than ever." "Then what real change have you experienced?" "I don’t quite know how to explain it," she said, "except I used to be a sinner running after sin, but now that I am saved. I’m a sinner running from sin!" she was received into the fellowship of the church, and she proved by her consistent life that she was truly converted. END


The story is told that Andrew Jackson’s boyhood friends just couldn’t understand how he became a famous general and then the President of the United States. They knew of other men who had greater talent but who never succeeded. One of Jackson’s friends said, "Why, Jim Brown, who lived right down the pike from Jackson, was not only smarter but he could throw Andy three times out of four in a wrestling match. But look where Andy is now."

Another friend responded, "How did there happen to be a fourth time? Didn’t they usually say three times and out?"

"Sure, they were supposed to, but not Andy. He would never admit he was beat—he would never stay ‘thrown.’ Jim Brown would get tired, and on the fourth try Andrew Jackson would throw him and be the winner."

Picking up on that idea, someone has said, "The thing that counts is not how many times you are ‘thrown,’ but whether you are willing to stay ‘thrown.’"

The Christian life is a battle. Scripture often speaks of God’s children as soldiers, and we should not expect to have things always be calm and peaceful. The question is not whether we ever fail, but whether we get back up when we do. Proverbs 24:16 says, "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief." END

A young man was eager to grow in His Christian life. He got a piece of paper and made a list of all the things he would do for God. He wrote down the things he would give up, the places he would go to minister and the areas of ministry he would enter. He was excited. He took that list to the church and put it on the altar.

He thought he would feel joy, but instead he felt empty. So he went home and started adding to his list. He wrote down more things he would do and wouldn’t do. He took the longer list and put it on the altar, but still he felt nothing.

He went to a wise, old pastor, told him the situation and asked for help. The pastor said, "Take a blank sheet of paper. Sign your name at the bottom. Put that on the altar." The young man did, and then peace came to his heart. END


Older Testimonies Revisited

Doctors found a growth on Chelsie Ryan’s ear bone. They were very concerned that if it didn't improve it would affect the muscles in her face. They gave her medicine and she was scheduled to return for a CAT scan. There was much pain and the church body joined together in prayer as the elders anointed her for healing.
Chelsie later testified that during the prayer it felt like something was being drawn out of her ear. This was further explained by what Michael Murry had seen during the anointing. He had seen the Lord reach in and take something out of her ear as we prayed. She was healed and did not have to undergo surgery. Even more so, she felt free as if she had been newly delivered.

Gaye Finley

Our beloved Evangelist from Atlanta, Lani Finley called requesting an anointed cloth for his wife Gaye. She had been experiencing shortness of breath and discomfort in her chest. After being examined by her physicians a nuclear scan was ordered which is the most comprehensive method available to determine the problem. After reading the results both physicians said that there was a blockage in her heart. One of these physicians was the foremost cardiologist in Atlanta. Gaye was scheduled for a surgical procedure the day the anointed cloth arrived in the mail. It was at this point that her cardiologists discovered that the blockage was no longer there. After being questioned whether the test had been wrong, He said,- "The nuclear scan doesn’t lie." It was surely a miracle. PRAISE THE LORD!

Dean Linville’s Step-Son Healed

Brother Dean, a faithful Deacon from Kentucky called me while on vacation in Florida with the news that his step-son had been diagnosed as having a heart attack. His step-son is a Pentecostal preacher and was scheduled for possible open heart surgery. Dean asked me to send an anointed cloth in hope that God would heal his step-son. God did heal him! When he returned for his check up there was no sign that he had ever had a heart attack! We are healed by the stripes of Jesus! May He receive the reward of His suffering. May His saints never fail to testify of His marvelous works and give Him the glory!

Bridget Dawson Healed

During our Tent Crusade in Clarksville, Arkansas we had a dramatic healing. Bridget, a young mother in our Russellville congregation had injured her back in a work related accident. Though she was experiencing much pain she decided to attend the Crusade anyway. Brethren made a bed in the back of the tent so she could lay down. The pain continued to get worse as the meeting went on and by the time it was over she leaning on the literature table crying.

I was talking with a visitor when sister Elva Sikes came over and told me that Bridget needed anointing for healing. As some of the brethren gathered around her I laid one hand on her head and placed one hand on the small of her back. As I prayed I began to feel movement in her back, under her skin. Soon I could actually feel a finger rise up from her back and I knew that it was God healing her. Suddenly she bolted upright! This was involuntary and I knew that she expected to feel pain but she didn’t. She began to jump and cry for joy saying,- "I’m healed, I’m healed, Praise God!"

During worship, Michael Lasiter was given a spiritual experience. He saw in the Spirit that he had come to a room where a cross was being offered to him. The object was dark and sharp in places like railroad ties. He walked toward it, knowing the choice was his to receive it, and knelt beneath it to lift it up. When he did, he saw Jesus take His place next to him. The Lord carried half the weight of the cross and they began to walk. Michael remembers the path was treacherous with large pieces of gravel. He turned his head to make eye contact with the Lord and a great comfort came over him.

"Watch constantly against those things which are thought to be no temptations. The most poisonous serpents are found where the sweetest flowers grow. Cleopatra was poisoned by an asp that was brought to her in a basket of fair flowers." Charles Spurgeon


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