"But Elymas the magician
was opposing the
Apostles, seeking to
turn the Proconsul away
from the faith. But
Paul, filled with the
Holy Spirit, fixed his
gaze on him, and said,
‘You who are full of all
deceit and fraud, you
son of the devil, you
enemy of all
righteousness, will you
not cease to make
crooked the straight
ways of the Lord?’" Acts
Paul and Barnabas were
making headway in
witnessing to Sergius
Paulus, the Proconsul
when a Jewish false
prophet began causing
problems. As we see in
our text, Elymas’ goal
was to turn the
Proconsul away from the
true faith. He was
twisting the straight
ways of the Lord and
making God’s true way
appear crooked.
Paul recognized that
this man was doing the
work of Satan and being
filled with the Holy
Spirit cried out, -"You
son of the devil!" By
the power of the
Almighty Paul struck the
enemy blind! The
Proconsul was already
amazed at the teaching
of the Lord but it was
this miracle that caused
him to believe and
accept the Gospel.
Wherever the truth is
proclaimed the devil’s
servants are never far
away. In the shadows
they devise plans to
discredit or distort the
truth and the straight
ways of the Lord."Strengthen
the hands that are weak
and the knees that are
feeble, and make
straight paths for your
feet, so that the limb
which is lame may not be
put out of joint, but
rather be healed."
If the man of God is too
powerful in the Word for
them to successfully
distort his message they
will attack the
messenger and attempt to
discredit the man. The
enemies of God falsely
accuse His true servants
relentlessly. Paul wrote
of how often he was in
danger from false
Although these men
thought they were right
and that Paul’s
teachings were wrong,
they were deceivers, and
were deceived
themselves, -"But
evil men and impostors
will proceed from bad to
worse, deceiving and
being deceived." (2
The idea that God has
relaxed His firm
standard is not only
untrue, but is
dangerous. God does not
change and Jesus is the
same yesterday, today
and forever. God is holy
and He demands that His
children live holy.
Jesus said that the way
to eternal life was both
straight and narrow but
that the road to
destruction was wide. On
the straight way to life
there is no room for
Let us always beware
of those who seek to
make crooked the
straight ways of the