Moses said, ‘I pray You, show me Your
glory’. . .and it will come about, while
My glory is passing by, that I will put
you in the cleft of the rock and cover
you with My hand until I have passed by.
. .Then I will take My hand away and you
shall see My back, but My face shall not
be seen.” Exodus 33:18-23
Moses and the Lord had been through much
together by this time and now Moses had
a deep desire to see the Lord in the
manifestation of His glory. Moses was
humble and faithful and walked
obediently before his God and was now
comfortable enough in their relationship
to ask to see His glorious Presence.
brethren, that we would all press
through into His Presence. Jesus said
the pure in heart will see God and the
Book of Hebrews says that the torn flesh
of Jesus is the veil we pass through to
enter into the Lord’s Divine Presence, -“Therefore,
brethren, since we have confidence to
enter the holy place by the blood of
Jesus, by a new and living way which He
inaugurated for us through the veil,
that is, His flesh, and since we have a
great Priest over the house of God.” Beloved,
when we consider that our Father
subjected His Son to such brutality to
provide a way for us to come into His
Presence, let us run without hesitation.
I was raised in a fundamental but
spiritually lifeless Church. Then when I
was a young adult I was baptized into a
Church strong on the teachings of the
Word but weak in the Spirit. For 20
years I was settled into my comfort
zone. But I was awakened when the Church
began to make wholesale changes in many
of their doctrines. Soon, I found that
the Church had left me behind. I had to
reprove everything that I once was so
sure was true and found that though most
of it was true, there were some
important truths missing.
The Church
that I had been associated with for all
those years did not openly praise and
worship God, nor did we seek His
Presence. Our
approach to God was more intellectual
than like a little child hungering for
fellowship with his Father.
Now I began to feel like Moses - I
wanted to see the Lord! Now I was like
David who hungered and thirsted for the
Holy Presence. I wanted more than the
truth. I wanted more than to know about
God. I wanted to feel Him, hear Him and
see Him.
each day I found myself praying to see
the Lord. Because the Lord is infinitely
awesome in His splendor I would ask that
He would be gentle with me when He
appeared. The thought of John falling
like a dead man when Jesus appeared to
him in glory kept coming into my mind,
so I would remind the Lord of my
frailness and pray -“Please do not
frighten me Lord.”
The day the Lord Jesus appeared to me in
person, He came as a young man. Though I
was the only one who could see Him, He
appeared to me as in the flesh. Not in a
shining robe, but in a T-shirt and
shorts. Like Moses, I did not see His
face. But what I did see is Him stretch
His long arms over my daughters Sarah
and Jeni and kneel with them as they
prayed for two girls they had just
witnessed to. How sweet and precious it
was for the Lord to appear to me in a
way that I would never have guessed.
That night on Mt. Nebo I was forever