redeemed us from the curse of the Law,
having become a curse for us - for it is
written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs
on a tree’ - in order that in Christ
Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come
to the Gentiles, so that we would
receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith." Galatians 3:13-14
The Apostle
Paul had firmly established the Churches
in Galatia on faith in Jesus Christ for
their righteousness and salvation. Later
in this chapter he explains that
Christians, whether Jew or Gentile, have
entered into Abraham’s Covenant of
Promise by the blood of Christ which
ratified it.
Christians had come from Jerusalem and
were troubling the Galatians by
insisting that they must be circumcised
and directed to keep the whole Law of
Moses. In essence, they were moving the
new converts from the blessing of
Abraham’s Covenant to the bondage of the
Sinai Covenant.
Covenants contain Laws to be kept, but
the Sinai Covenant which came 430 years
after the promise to Abraham contained
hundreds more Laws that were added
because of transgressions. There were
blessings in the Sinai Covenant for all
who kept the Book of the Law but curses
for anyone who broke them, -"For
as many as are of the works of the Law
are under a curse; for it is written,
‘Cursed is everyone who does not abide
by all things written in the Book of the
Law, to perform them." (3:10)
This may
sound like the Book of the Law itself is
a curse but the curse comes when one of
the Laws are violated. When Moses read
the Book of the Law to the people they
all said, -"We
will keep them" by
which they entered into a Covenant with
God at Sinai. Moses then sprinkled the
Book and the people with animal blood to
ratify the Covenant.
But the
people did not obey the Laws but
continually broke them, -"For
if that first Covenant had been
faultless, there would have been no
occasion sought for a second. For
finding fault with them, He says, . .
.’For they did not continue in My
Covenant, and I did not care for them.’"
The Bible
says that all have sinned and have come
short of the glory of God. As sinners we
are all subject to the penalty of our
sins which is death, even death in the
Lake of Fire. Laws can reveal to us what
sin is, but there is no Law that can
forgive sin.
The Bible
says that only by the shedding of blood
can sins be forgiven. The blood of
animals could not remove our sins - it
took the righteous blood of the Son of
Whether Jew
or Greek, all were cursed because all
violated God’s righteous Laws - the Jews
in the letter and the Gentiles in their
hearts. Now God had a problem. He loved
us but we were separated from Him by our
sins. Sin is an abomination to God so in
order to draw us near to Him He had to
make us righteous.
He did
this by giving His only Son as an
offering in our place - as a
propitiation, which means Jesus absorbed
the wrath due for our sins. Jesus
actually became our curse that we might
become His righteousness and be
reconciled to God, -"He
made Him who knew no sin to be sin on
our behalf, so that we might become the
righteousness of God in Him." (2 Cor.)