Reaching Beyond Self |
By Larry R.
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© 2018 |
In Christ Jesus we can reach beyond self, that is, beyond who we are in the natural. The Apostle Paul discovered that he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him. (Phil. 4:13) He said that he had learned the secret of how to be content in all things. He suffered persecution, imprisonment, beatings, hunger, exposure and betrayal, yet found that he could be content. Even while waiting on death row he was content and looking upward to his eternal reward.
The secret to his success was simply being thankful. He understood that there was a great cost to being a follower of Jesus. (Luke 14:25-35) When the Lord called him to be a disciple He told him that he would suffer much. But Paul accepted this with joy, knowing that it would earn for him an eternal weight of glory in the future. (2 Cor. 4:17) This attitude of gratefulness anchored this beloved Apostle in the present as well as motivating him to press toward his future reward.
A while back I became so sick, violently ill suffering from Meneire’s syndrom. Sudden attacks of severe vertigo followed by uncontrolled vomiting. I would be confined to my bed, unable to move for as long as 35 hours. The attacks seemed to be unbearable, and during one especially violent episode I began to cry out to God to help me. It was a desperate cry. Suddenly, in my mind I could see a cotton field. As I continued looking I saw slaves working in the pressing heat as their master’s hired hands watched over them. Then my eyes were brought to a young boy who was nauseous and dizzy and was vomiting continually, but he dared not stop working.
I thought to myself, "horrific things such as this must have occurred many times throughout history." I then began to consider my situation in a new and different light. Yes, I was very sick and it was terribly uncomfortable. But I was in a comfortable bed, in a temperature controlled room, with a family to care for me. Then something amazing happened-I became filled with gratitude for my many blessings, and my cry went from "Lord, please! why ?! to "Thank You Lord!" And then I realized, that though I was very sick, I had become content in my suffering. My condition hadn’t changed, but the way I looked at it had-and that had made all the difference.
How we feel and how we think creates our state of being. We often think and even react the way we do from habit. We have actually trained our brain to react in a certain way to certain stimuli or circumstances.
A habit is a set of automatic, unconscious thoughts, emotions and behaviors that’s acquired through repetition. A habit is something we have done so many times that our body knows how to do it better than our conscious mind. It works much like muscle memory.
For example , we perform many tasks by muscle memory without having to think much about it. Tying our shoes, brushing our teeth, driving a car or riding a bicycle are among those things. I’m a pianist and I have learned that if I begin thinking about playing a piece of music I have memorized, I run into trouble-I usually cannot "remember" with my brain or my mind what notes and chord progressions to play. But when I clear my mind and allow my muscle memory to take over then I can play the piece flawlessly.
In cases such as these we want our "muscle memory" to take over for us. But, what if we’ve allowed our "muscle memory" to automatically cause us to act or react in ways that are harmful to us and others? In these situations we need to learn to stop and take control and essentially teach and train our brain to act and react positively. It’s not easy, but we can take control of how we act and react. We can choose to be positive minded and give thanks in faith. If you are a born again Christian you are a child of the present and the future, but not of the past. We all must ask ourselves and honestly answer the question -"Do I believe my thoughts have something to do with my destiny?"
Oftentimes people have become addicted to their painful experiences. Some do not want to let go of a negative past because the experience involves someone they do not want to forgive. In holding onto the pain as a "victim" they feel that they have "incarcerated" the one who "caused" the pain, and if they choose to stop thinking about it the "bad person" would be released. Sadly, we can come to need "enemies" to reaffirm our addiction to bitterness and hatred.
But there is a terrible cost. The eternal cost is what we must consider more earnestly because Jesus said that only those who forgive others can receive forgiveness from God. (Matthew 6:15) But there is also a hefty price that it costs us in the here and now. This type of stress is known to harm the health of our bodies by releasing dangerous chemicals. When we dwell on painful memories our system is flooded with chemicals that causes a variety of illnesses.
Notice this from the famous Mayo Clinic: "Your body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways meant to protect you against threats from predators and other aggressors. Such threats are rare today, but that doesn’t mean that life is free of stress. On the contrary, you undoubtedly face multiple demands each day, such as shouldering a huge workload, making ends meet and taking care of your family. Your body treats these so-called minor hassles as threats. As a result you may feel as if you’re constantly under assault. But you can fight back. You don’t have to let stress control your life." If we do not have a positive vision of the future we are left only with the painful experiences of the past.
The brain is a record of the past, so we wake up everyday with thoughts of the past and sometimes anxiousness about the future. We tend to anticipate the future from a record of past failures, pain and fear. And each of our memories have emotions attached to them. When we dwell on a painful experience it puts us in a mood. We may feel sad or even anguish because the old emotions attached to the memory come flooding into our mind. It we continue to allow this to take root it becomes a temperament. It’s now no longer a momentary mood but a lingering temperament and affects how we view and treat others. If we allow this to continue unchecked it will ultimately become our personality trait. Now it’s no longer a momentary mood or lingering temperament, but who we have allowed ourselves to become.
With this temperament we become guarded, always expecting the worse case scenario and because it helps us feel justified we eventually embrace it. Some may ask, "Why are you this way? In which you may reply, "I am this way because of something that happened twenty years ago! Or ten years ago! Or five years ago! Or one year ago! Or last week!" How long ago really doesn’t matter as long as it’s something we had become so emotionally attached to we would rather say "You would be like this too if what happened to me had happened to you!", than to let it go.
But God has given us an example to follow. He not merely forgives us of our sins, not only pays our sin debt, but actually removes them from His memory. In the Christian Covenant of Grace through Faith, God remembers our sins no more. And that’s an example that we must follow if we really want to live in freedom.
Most people live as victims of past experiences and circumstances. In the truest sense we surrender our free will to the dictate of our unconscious emotional reactions. All of us need to sincerely ask ourselves the questions - "Does my thinking create my environment - Or does my environment create my thinking.?"
Because our brains do not know the difference between the emotions of a past experience and something presently happening, the emotions are the same. And sadly, too many of us relive the painful emotions of the past on a regular basis. Each time our brain will react as if it is a new negative experience, and will flood our system with harmful chemicals. Clearly, if our negative thoughts have the power to make us sick, then our positive thoughts have the power to help us heal and help keep us healthy.
We are creatures of habit. Our unconscious mind becomes a hardwired program operating from past experiences. And by practice we’ve taught it to routinely respond. What we must do is to take control of our thoughts and turn our hardwired unconscious mind into a software program for a hopeful future. We must have hope. The Bible says that hope is what anchors our soul.
To accomplish this seemingly impossible task will take a conscious effort each morning and throughout the day. When we rise from sleep let us go to prayer with positive thoughts. And when an old painful experience from the past comes to mind-cast it out. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are TAKING EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
Notice that Paul is speaking to the saints as active warriors in the Army of God, and that as such, we must destroy "speculations." That’s usually where it all begins. We fail to capture a speculation and it grows in power until we have convinced ourselves that it is terribly true and maliciously directed against us. We can and must change the way we think, understanding that nothing we will ever experience is too great that God cannot turn it into good for us. We must live by faith in all things.
There is a very applicatory story in Acts 16. Paul and Silas entered into the city of Philippi to preach the Gospel. As they walked along they found themselves being followed by a slave-girl who was possessed by a spirit of divination. She was very valuable to her masters because she brought them much wealth through her fortune telling. As she was following Paul and Silas she was crying aloud proclaiming "These men are servants of the Most High God!" She must have been speaking with sarcasm because it annoyed Paul who turned and cast the spirit out. When her masters discovered that she no longer had the power to foretell the future they had Paul and Silas arrested, beaten and imprisoned in the maximum security of the jail.
Obviously, this was a painful experience. To be beaten with rods is painful indeed, not to mention being chained in the most secure part of the jail. I often picture them as hanging in chains against a stone wall scarred and bloody. But Paul and Silas felt honored to share in the sufferings of Christ. And around midnight they became so filled with joy they began to sing praises to God loudly! Then suddenly God caused a great earthquake which shook the foundation of the prison causing every cell door to open and every chain to fall from every prisoner. Every prisoner bolted out of their cell and began to run. But they didn’t run out of the jail-they ran farther in to where Paul and Silas were! Because of Paul and Silas’ great demonstration of faith the other prisoners were drawn to them. When the Jailer came in and saw all the doors opened and all the chains on the floor, he drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul cried out "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.!" That very night that man’s whole family was saved-and the Church of God was established in the city of Philippi. Paul and Silas were released the next day.
Jesus once healed a man who was born blind. The disciples asked Jesus why this man had never had sight-was it because of his sins or his parents sins? But Jesus said neither, but that it was for God’s glory-then He healed the man from his blindness. This man had endured this blindness his whole life. He had never seen a beautiful flower or a stunning sunset. Nor had he ever seen his mother’s face. And for what reason? For the glory of God.
We may never understand why we experience the unpleasantries that come with living in a fallen world. But if we choose to live in faith and love our God, He is faithful to turn whatever the enemy means for harm into good. We should always learn from the past but live in the present with a view to a hopeful future. Jesus taught His disciples to rejoice when they were persecuted because their reward in Heaven would be great. James taught that we should count it all joy when we fall into various trials. But that’s not how we’ve taught ourselves to react is it? We naturally react in sadness and fear. But we can change that in the same way that Paul and Silas did. They did not allow a negative environment to create their state of being-but directed their thinking in faith to create a positive state of being in a negative environment.
The Bible says many wonderful things about the children of God. That we have been forgiven and that our sins have been removed even from God’s memory-"I will remember your sins no more." We read that as born again saints we are "holy", "unblemished", "pure", "made perfect", etc. Peter reveals that we are a holy priesthood and living stones of God’s Spiritual House-and that we have become partakers of His Divine Nature. The Bible teaches us that we are "more than conquerors in Christ," and that "no weapon fashioned against us can prosper." And that since we have been born again of the Spirit the old things have passed away and all things have become new. If you will commit to forgive those who have hurt you, God will give you the power to forget also. The former things will soon rarely ever come to your mind. And if and when they do, there will be no pain associated them.
You dear brother, you dear sister, do not have to live shackled to the past as a slave of a negative unconscious mind endlessly reliving the painful experiences of the past. Begin each day in hopeful prayer with thoughts of a positive future. Capture the negative thoughts that seek to enslave and have dominion over you. If you will do this long enough you will successfully retrain your brain to the point that it will react positively unconsciously as muscle memory does. You thoughts have the power to make you feel bad or feel good. In Christ, we have the power think greater than how we feel. Won’t you reach beyond self? God has given you this power.
Points of Truth Ministries