"I beseech you
therefore brethren, by the mercies of
God, that you present your bodies a
living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto
God, which is your reasonable service."
For the Church to operate in the
fullness of its intended glory, all
members must truly believe and trust in
God’s Way. We must lay down our fears of
"what ifs" and personal
"self-interests." We must yield to the
fact that we are members of God’s
Church. It is His Church which He
purchased with the precious Blood of His
own Son.
He places each member where He desires
it to be in the Body. God has placed
structure and leadership in His Church.
God is a God of order and rule and He
must always be in control of His Church.
As Members of HIS Church, we must
surrender to His will as He reveals in
His Word.
A. W. Tozer said,- "The
reason why many are still troubled,
still seeking, still making little
forward progress is because they haven’t
come to the end of themselves. We’re
still trying to give orders, and
interfering with God’s work within us."
God loves His Church and wants to
liberate it that it may function
properly. We associate surrender with
failure but surrendering to God brings
freedom not bondage. When we surrender
to God, we yield to the purpose for
which He created us.
Surrender is best demonstrated in
obedience. - you say "yes Lord" to
whatever He asks of you. To say "no
Lord" is to speak a contradiction. You
can’t call Jesus your Lord when you
refuse to obey Him. After a night of
failed fishing, Simon reluctantly
surrendered when Jesus told him to try
we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t
caught anything. But because you say so,
I will let down the nets."
Surrendered people obey God’s Word, even
if it doesn’t make sense. . . Surrender
is hard work. In our case, it is intense
warfare against our self-centered
nature. . .Everybody eventually
surrenders to something or someone. If
not God, you will surrender to the
opinions or expectations of others, to
money, to resentment, to fear, or to
your own pride, lusts, or ego.
You were designed to worship God - and
if you fail to worship Him, you will
create other things (idols) to give your
life to. You are free to choose what you
surrender to, but you are not free from
the consequences of that choice. E.
Stanley Jones said,- "If
you don’t surrender to Christ, you
surrender to chaos." Surrender
is not the best way to live; it is the
only way to live. Nothing else works.
All other approaches lead to
frustration, disappointment and