that God created has a purpose which is
an assignment from God. Everything
created was made to bring glory to God.
Everything we do should result in the
praise and glorification of God. Like
everything else, we were created by Him
and for Him. Have you ever made
something which spoke back to you and
refused to do what you created it to do?
Now, I understand that you may have made
something that didn’t work, but the
keyword in my question is "refused."
When I was in the Cub Scouts we were
given a project to make billfolds for
ourselves. When I completed the task, I
was proud of the little billfold that I
had made - it even had my initials on
it. The purpose of the billfold was to
carry money, identification and whatever
else you needed and didn’t want to lose.
Now, my little billfold carried out it’s
purpose very well, though I never had
much money to carry in it.
But what if it refused to do what I
had made it to do? What if it refused to
carry my money and decided for itself
that it preferred to carry peanut
butter? What a mess that would be! And
not only a mess, but it would be
extremely frustrating to find that my
money was always gone.
This analogy may sound a little
silly, but the Apostle Paul used a
similar example, -"Who are you, O
man, who answers back to God? For who
resists His will? The thing molded will
not say to the molder, ‘Why did you make
me like this,’ will it? Or does not the
Potter have a right over the clay, to
make from the same lump one vessel for
honorable use and another for common
use?" (Romans 9:20-21)
One concept that
stands in opposition to the truth that
all things are created and have been
given the assignment to bring glory to
the Creator God, is the philosophy of
humanism. Since I will be discussing
this subject in this article, I will
include here the opening statement of
the First
Humanist Manifesto.
"The time has come for widespread
recognition of the radical changes in
religious beliefs throughout the modern
world. The time is past for mere
revision of traditional attitudes.
Science and economic change have
disrupted the old beliefs. Religions the
world over are under the necessity of
coming to terms with new conditions
created by a vastly increased knowledge
and experience. In every field of human
activity, the vital movement is now in
the direction of a candid and explicit
In order that religious humanism may
be better understood we desire to make
certain affirmations which we believe
the facts of our contemporary life
demonstrate. There is a great danger of
a final, and we believe fatal,
identification of the word religion with
doctrines and methods which have lost
their significance and which are
powerless to solve the problem of human
living in the Twentieth Century.
Religions have always been means for
realizing the highest values of life. .
We hold that the universe exists for
no purpose. We are the result of a blind
and random process that does not
necessitate any kind of meaning. Life is
only worth living if we ourselves make
it worthwhile and enjoyable. . .We
maintain that no objective or universal
values exist. A person may be moral if
he or she creates a system of values and
lives according to them. We maintain
that no one is obligated to be moral.
Obviously, if no moral absolutes exist,
you can’t demonstrate that anything is
wrong or evil. Thus, in a humanist
society, no one can really judge or
condemn the choices or actions of
Religious humanism
maintains that all associations and
institutions exist for the fulfillment
of human life.
Do you recognize any of this? If you
look at the state of Europe and of
America today, I think you would agree
that the western world has succumbed to
the philosophy of humanism.
Unfortunately, this thinking is not
regulated to the world but has crept
into the Christian Church. Modern
Christianity is permeated with humanism.
It seems everything we do is designed
for our fellow man. We are so afraid to
offend the sinner we forget that our
holy God is offended by their rebellion
against His will and purpose for their
lives. Today, you will find far more
Christians who are more sympathetic
towards sinners than toward the Creator
who made them or the Savior who gave His
life to save them.
The love of God is designed to turn
sinners from their wicked practices, yet
many conclude that God will accept them
just as they are. The truth is, God
created people for life, and sinners
stand in stark opposition to their
By ignoring God and living in their
sins, they deny God the works of His own
hands and the love He so deserves. He
gave them life, they lost it in their
sins, so He gave His only Son to pay for
their crimes, and yet the sinner chooses
to live in death. This grieves the heart
of God and denies Jesus the reward of
His suffering. As the children of God,
we should grieve for our Father, our
Savior and the sinner who loves his sin,
while remembering that God has done all
He can do, and if the sinner will not
repent he deserves to die in the Lake of
After the Great Awakening Revival of
the mid-1800's, the Christian faith
sustained a frontal attack directed by
the higher critics of Europe. Darwin had
postulated his theory of evolution and
certain philosophers adapted their
positions to accommodate it, and certain
theologians began applying it to the
Scriptures. Satan had always attacked
God’s Word and the servants who
ministered it, but by 1850 higher
education began to openly denounce the
veracity of the Bible. After formulating
his theory, Darwin declared that the
Bible would one day be a relic that you
will have to go to a museum to see. He
was convinced that it would be utterly
destroyed by the arguments he was
bringing against it.
As a result of this, the philosophy
of the day became humanism. Humanism
teaches that the end of all things is
the happiness of man. The ultimate goal
of this philosophy is to be happy as you
live. It is the belief that the reason
for existence is your happiness. Those
who hold this view spend their time
trying to get all the happiness they can
out of life. They pursue money, power,
influence, fame, immorality, etc,
-anything they think will bring them
The spread of humanism has led to a
certain degree of cultural lawlessness.
The moral standard of the teachings of
the Bible or of Jesus no longer mattered
if it got in the way of one’s pursuit of
personal happiness. Divorce, adultery
and fornication began to be accepted in
the name of seeking personal happiness. "I
divorced my wife because I just wasn’t
happy" - "I had an affair because my
husband did not make me happy."
Darwinism and humanism caused great
debate among the Christian Churches.
This eventually manifested itself by
producing two main groups, the liberals,
and the fundamentalists. The liberals
accepted this new found philosophy and
adapted their message to sound something
like this, -"We don’t really know if
there is a personal God, or if there is
a heaven and hell, but you are going to
live some years in this life and you
will be happier if you live it as a
Christian. Now, it’s important for you
to come to services every week so we can
help you to live your best life now."
In the light of Darwinism and
humanism, the liberal Christian wouldn’t
dare try to defend the veracity of the
Bible. Early on they had been soundly
defeated in their debates with
evolutionist intellectuals. They were
embarrassed by Bible stories of a
talking serpent, a young shepherd
killing a giant warrior with a stone and
a man living inside a big fish for three
days. With these religious leaders, the
shine and been knocked off the Bible.
They were faced with two choices, deny
the existence of God, Jesus and the
Christian faith, or create a mixture
that did not require them to Biblically
defend, and one which was palatable to
the carnal mind. So, this gave birth to
liberal Christianity. I was once
questioned about a particular belief by
a liberal Christian, and when I answered
him by using a quote from one of Paul’s
epistles, he laughed and said, -"Paul
was just a man!" When
I told him that though Paul was a man,
his writings were inspired by God, he
scoffed at the idea.
While liberal Christians blended
right in by going along to get along,
fundamental Christians stepped up boldly
to defend their God, their Savior and
their traditional faith. They cried, -"The
Bible is true! Jesus really was the Son
of God who died for the sins of the
world! Heaven and hell really exists! We
believe sinners will have their part in
the Lake of Fire! We believe the only
way to be saved is by accepting Jesus
Christ! Jesus is coming back to judge
the world! And you better live by the
Word of God!"
The ultimate goal
of humanism is the happiness of man - to
be happy as you live. The ultimate goal
of Christianity is to bring glory to
If you are a fundamental Christian
you are probably thinking -"Way
to go boys! Tell it like it is and never
back down from the truth!" But
there was a secret problem. The whole
atmosphere of the great debate was
permeated with humanism. Humanism is
like an infection that easily spreads
largely undetected. While the
fundamentalists set a guard against
evolution and the higher critics who
attacked the validity of the Bible,
humanism crept in the backdoor while no
one was watching. As a result God became
a means to an end rather than the end
All it took was a little twist of the
Scriptures. Satan secretly suggested a
little slight of hand. Just a subtle
change of focus. Hardly noticeable if
you weren’t playing close attention. If
you look at a photo that has a person in
the foreground and a person in the
background you will notice that the
focus is more on the person in the
foreground. True Christian theology
presents a picture of God and of man
together, and God is first, foremost,
and in the foreground. Fundamental
Christianity infected with humanism
began to put the focus on man which made
God a little out of focus. In a photo
the object of most importance is the one
which is most sharply focused.
Liberal Christians came to believe
that Christianity exists to make man
happy while he lives. Liberals
determined to use social programs to
promote man’s well-being and to
eliminate poverty and need. Does the
term "Social Justice" ring a bell? The
Bible teaches "Equal Justice" but not
Social Justice. Social Justice involves
taking from those who have to give to
those who do not, generally using
government to do so. Taking from one to
give to another is theft. It is
collective by nature and leans toward
the concept of collective salvation
rather than individual, personal
salvation which the Gospel teaches.
Equal Justice is what God means when
He says that He is no respecter of
persons, but gave His Son to save any
who would receive that gift. Equal
Justice is not a hand out as much as it
is a hand up. It is the belief that all
men are created equal and are endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable
rights. Equal Justice practices personal
Since liberal Christians were no
longer sure about the details of an
afterlife, they attempted to make living
on the earth a heavenly experience.
Again, Liberal Christians came to
believe that Christianity exists to make
man happy while he lives - Fundamental
Christians came to believe that
Christianity exists to make man happy
when he dies. Both views are a
perversion of the truth.
With just a tiny emphasis change in
the Gospel message, man could use God to
get what he wanted. The thinking came to
be that everything was for the benefit
of man. God made the world for man, the
heavens exist for man, He gave His Son
for man, He has a great plan for man, He
desires to bless man and bring him
happiness, etc. You might be thinking, -"Wait
a minute, what’s wrong with that? God
does love us! God did give His Son for
us! God does want us to be happy!"The
answer is yes, but as a by product, not
as the prime product. God was not made
for you - you were made for God. God
does not exist for you - you exist for
Him. God does not exist to help you
pursue your dreams - you exist to
fulfill God’s dreams.
God loves us and created us to be His
children, even heirs of everything that
He has - but God must not be reduced to
a formula to get what we want. No, we
are to give Him what He wants. He is the
beginning and the end and everything in
between - He is not a means to an end,
He is the end. That is, our personal
happiness must not be our goal, but He
must be our goal. We follow the example
of Jesus who said, -"Father, not My
will, but Your will be done."
Are we happy when we find Him? Yes,
but if it is not primarily about Him and
seeking Him for who He is, we are out of
balance and have slipped into humanism.
We are not to seek the human experience
but a divine experience in His manifest
presence. Everything was created by Him,
and for Him, -"For by Him all things
were created, both in the heavens and on
the earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers
or authorities -all things have been
created through Him and for Him."
(Colossians 1:16)
Why do we preach the Gospel? Do we do
it for God or for man? That may sound
like an unusual question but it is one
which needs to be answered. God sends us
forth with the message of salvation
because He loves man and desires for no
one to perish. But He wants more than
for a person to merely flee from His
coming wrath - He wants them to run to
He longs for fellowship with those
separated from Him by their sins. He
wants the sick healed. This is the very
reason that He allowed His Son to be so
brutally beaten, -"for by His wounds
you were healed." (1 Peter 2:24) Bottom
line, Jesus died to save us, was beaten
to heal us, and He deserves the reward
of His suffering. Yes, we are to have
the love of God dwelling in us and
expressing it to those who are lost in
sin, but we preach salvation for Him
first, not them first - and for His
purpose and glory - and that His will
might be done - and that Jesus would
receive the reward of His suffering and
God promises to never leave us nor
forsake us. No matter what fiery trials
we may face in the future we can rest
assured that our Father and our Savior
will be there to see us through. David
wrote, "Though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will
fear no evil. For Your rod and Your
staff comfort me." (Psalm 23) When
we endure such trying times, sweet
platitudes and churchy principles of
liberal Christianity will not do - we
need a real Father and a real friend in
Jesus said, -"Seek you first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
And all these things will be added to
you." (Matthew 6:33) When
asked which was the greatest of all the
Commandments, Jesus replied, "The
First Commandment to love the Lord your
God with all your heart all your mind
and all your soul." Then
Jesus said, "And
the second is to love your neighbor as
yourself." God
first, man second.
The Ten Commandments were written on
two separate tablets. The first four
were written on the first tablet and the
last six on the second tablet. The first
four instruct us in loving and obeying
God, and the last six teach us how to
love and treat our neighbor. Let us
always remember that God comes first and
people come second. We cannot honor God
by putting the interests and feelings of
man above that of God.
When I preached the Africa Crusades I
was shocked to see that there were as
many hypocrites there as there are here in America.
The Bible and the gospel was generally
very well known. I could see little
difference in people. They were content
to live in sin and to trample the
sacrifice of the Beloved.
Dear ones, weep for them and for all
sinners, but not so much as you weep for
your grieving heavenly Father who
offered His only Son. If you must weep,
weep for your Beloved Savior who suffers
the rejection. Sinners who refuse to
repent deserve the sentence of hell.
God’s wrath rightly abides on the sinner
who stands in rebellion and denies the
Lord the reward of His suffering.
Dear ones, let us forever set a guard
against the deceit of humanism.
* Special thanks and credit goes to
the late Pastor Paris Reidhead for his
sermon "Ten Shekels and a Shirt." Much
of what is written in this article was
inspired by his anointed message. If you
would like to listen to his message it
is listen in our sermon section.