Ultimately, it's God's Call













Q and A

Exposing Lies


Ultimately, it's God's Call

By Larry R. Lasiter

© 2010

"‘A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.’" And He could do no miracle there (Nazareth) except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief." Mark 6:4-6

When Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth He was not received as a Prophet or as the Messiah. Matthew 13 tells us that the people there were hindered by the fact that they knew Jesus and His family and had seen Him grow up from childhood. They just couldn’t believe that He was a great man of God, and certainly stumbled over the notion that He was the Son of God. To further complicate the issue, Jesus’ brothers and sisters also did not regard Him as a great man of God. James and Jude did not believe until He rose from the dead.

 By our text, we see that Jesus was limited in what miracles He could do because of their unbelief. To be unable to perform miracles merely because of the unfaithful there begs to be examined and explained.

 This man Jesus existed as God from all eternity and had spoken the worlds and everything in them into existence by His divine power. As God, He upholds and controls the entire universe and beyond. He didn’t need the faith of His disciples when He calmed the sea or when He fed the thousands with a little bread and a few fish, and He didn’t need their faith when He rose from the dead. The power was there, so what was limiting Him?

I think the answer is - He could have performed any miracle He wanted but it would not have accomplished one of the main purposes for miracles - to cause people to praise God and bring glory to Him.

Miracles are also designed to build people’s faith in God, which only works if they receive Him as a man of God. Where people do not receive a person as a man of God there is always the danger that any miracle he does will be credited to Satan and not to God. So instead of bringing glory to God, the Lord and the Holy Spirit is blasphemed. This actually happened to Him in another city, -"All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, ‘This man cannot be the Son of David, can he? But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, ‘This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons." (Matt.12)

Since the citizens of Nazareth were already offended in the claims Jesus was making, they certainly would not have received Him as being sent from God. I believe that this is what limited Jesus in His hometown.

We rightly covet the power to heal. We want God to confirm us, the ministry, and even His own existence by miracles, but it is not always wise.

To the right people it will bring glory to God, but to the wrong people it will be an opportunity for the devil. To one group it will confirm the Word you speak, but the wrong group will turn it into a sign of demonic activity.

 You may think that if God gave you the power to walk into a hospital or nursing home and heal all the sick the world would listen to you as you preach the Gospel, but as many miracles as Jesus did only 120 believers were there on Pentecost.

There were far more who attributed His works to the devil than to God. I have seen many miracles and I’m always ready to speak and believe in faith - I expect them. - But ultimately, it’s God’s Work and it’s His call who He chooses to deliver and heal and when.




Points of Truth Ministries