"I am afraid, lest as the serpent
deceived Eve by his craftiness, your
minds should be led astray from the
simplicity and purity of devotion to
Christ." (2 Corinthians 11:3)
There has always been false teachers
preaching a different gospel and another
Jesus whom the original Apostles did not
preach. But the present age we live in
presents dangers that may be more
perilous than our Christian brethren who
lived in earlier times.
Jesus said we would know
false brethren and teachers by the fruits they
would bear. For example, notice what fruits should
follow those
called by God and set as overseers or
pastors of
the congregations were to be. . ."husbands
of one wife", "have children who
believe", "manage their own households
well", be "able to teach by rightly
dividing the Word", "not be
quick-tempered", and "in control of
their emotions", not be "pugnacious
(overly argumentative)", not "addicted
to alcohol" be "hospitable", "gentle",
"holding fast the faithful Word which is
in accordance with the teaching, that he
may be able both to exhort
in sound doctrine and
torefute those who contradict." (Titus
1 / 1 Timothy 3)
In times past one learned the Word
through personal instruction
from someone whose way
of life they could observe. Just as
it is easy to personally observe your
local pastor and others who teach in the
congregation today because you come to
know them in a personal
way. But today, there are so many
avenues for learning. Literature from
various "Christian" Ministries, an
abundance of books covering a multitude
of topics available off the bookshelves,
to the tremendous amount of information
on the Internet, -much of which is
authored by teachers we may know little
or nothing about personally.
Living in the INFORMATION
AGE presents us with both benefits and problems. It
gives the true followers of Jesus the
ability to reach more people for the
cause of Christ.But it also gives Satan
the opportunity to not only reach the
masses with his twisted brand of "churchianity",
but do it under
the cover of darkness with
his false teachers unseen. The Biblical
approach is to not only judge theteaching but
also the teacher who
brings the teaching. Notice that the
Apostle Paul himself yielded to
examination, -"Let
a man regard us in this manner, as
servants of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. In this case,
moreover, it is REQUIRED of stewards
Corinthians 4:1-2) If
an Apostle of Christ must be found
trustworthy upon examination, then how
much more any teacher today.
We must be very careful what we let into
our minds. When it is not possible to
examine a teacher personally, we should
examine his message/writing very
carefully. And not only on technical
merits ensuring that it is in harmony
with the spirit and intent of God's
Word, but teaching that will help us
grow in our relationship with God. And
it should not be overly speculative in
nature or divisive as
Paul says.
Christians know how very difficult it is
to accept Biblical instruction from
someone they have come to believe is a
hypocrite. As Jesus said, before one
should attempt to remove a splinter from
his neighbor's eye, he should first
remove the plank from his own eye.
How devastating it must be for brethren
who have trusted a pastor in leading
them in the Holy Scriptures to find
later that he himself was practicing
immorality! Sadly, this is an all too
familiar scenario, isn't it? The world
is well aware of the scandals involving
Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, Garner Ted
Armstrong and countless others of lesser
fame. And because of things such as
these the holy name of God is blasphemed
among unbelievers! But their supporters
had once believed that God was leading
them as they received spiritual guidance
from them. Following the revealing of
their wicked lifestyles however, most of
their flock, although willing
to forgive, understood that they could
no longer trust them
to lead them through the inspired Word
of God.
Now notice what the
Apostle John says, -"Little
children, let no one deceive you; the
one whoPRACTICES righteousness is
righteous, just as He is righteous; the
sin isof
the devil; for the devil has sinned
from the beginning. The Son of God
appeared for this purpose, that He might
destroy the works of the devil. NO ONE
because His seed abides in him; and he
cannot (practice) sin, because he is
born of God. By this the children of God
and the children of the devil are
obvious; any
one who does not practice righteousness
is not of God."(1 John 3)
This is why it is
so important for pastors and teachers to
exhibit conduct that is reasonably"above
reproach" as
the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and
Titus when sending them to appoint
pastors in the gentile congregations. Simply
put, any fleshly lust quenches the
spirit of God. As
Paul told the Corinthians,
the "natural,
fleshly man cannot understand the things
of the spirit, and it is the spirit
of God that
understands the mind
of God." A
man may be trained in Bible Theology and
have much experience and the ability to
speak and deliver a message or produce a
writing but if he is living a wayward
lifestyle what you receive from him has
noreal inspiration from
God through
the holy spirit. One whose life is
filled by the deeds of the flesh(Gal.5) is
quenching the inspiration of the spirit
of God, if indeed the person possesses
the gift.
Holy Spirit of Truth Must Be Active
If the holy spirit is not
active in the message or writing, then
there is susceptibility for lying
spirits. The principle is, anytime we
push the holy spirit aside by unholy
conduct, we open the door for evil
spirits to work. This is why Peter
instructed us to "resist
the devil". The
most effective worker for Satan is one
who had been called by God, and who had
diligently worked for the cause of
Christ, but fell away later succumbing
to false teachings introduced by lying
spirits! Notice 1
Timothy 4:1-2, -"But the spirit
explicitly says that in later times some
will fall
away from
the faith, paying
attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines
of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of
liars seared in their own conscience as
with a branding iron."
Now, just how does this
happen? By what means do "deceitful
spirits" introduce "doctrines of
demons?" Is it through false teachers
who themselves have been deceived by
these lying spirits. Notice 1
John 4:1, -"Beloved, do not believe
every spirit, but TEST the spirits to
see whether they are from God; because
MANY FALSE PROPHETS have gone out into
the world." Notice
also by what means, "by
means of the HYPOCRISY of liars." "Hypocrite"
simply means "actor" in Greek. When
Jesus pronounced the seven woes to the
Jewish religious hierarchy in Matt.
23, He
continually labeled them as "hypocrites"
meaning "actors." You see, they wanted
to have pre-eminence over the people.
They liked to pray in public in order to
be seen by men. They liked to sit in the
most prominent seats in the assembly.
But Jesus said they were merely "dirty
cups" clean on the outside but filthy on
the inside.
"Hypocrite" means "Actor"
They knew how to "act" holy in order to
gain respect and a following, but they
did not live a holy lifestyle. They did
not practice what they preached to
others. So Paul was telling Timothy that
the tactic Satan used through the Jewish
Scribes and Pharisees, is the same he
uses in the Church of Jesus Christ. That
brethren would receive "doctrines of
demons" through the means of the
"hypocrisy" of those who deliver the
One Gather Figs From A Thorn Bush?"
False teaching is almost always
presented by would-be teachers whose own
lives are in disarray. Somewhere along
the way in their Christian walk, Jesus
has tried to take them through some
bitter places and they have refused to
follow. Rather than repent and accept
the will of God and the terms of
salvation which is bearing their own
cross, they redefine the terms of their
To God Changes
Soon, simple devotion to
Christ and living by His Commandments is
replaced by "Deeper knowledge."
Notice 1
Corinthians 8:1-3, -". . .Knowledge
makes arrogant, but love edifies. If any
one supposes that he knows anything, he
has not yet known as he ought to know;
but if any one loves God, he is known by
relationship with God turns from
child-like obedience to God as a child
looks to a father for guidance, to how
much "knowledge" they can learn and
impart to others. This in turn opens the
door for the spirits of vanity, self-exaltation, hypocrisy and
the spirit
of divisionfollows.
Sadly, they become those prophesied of
by Paul in 2
Timothy 3:7-10,-"ALWAYS LEARNING and never
able to come to the
KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH. And just as
Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so
of depraved mind, rejected as
regards the faith. But they will not
make further progress; for THEIR FOLLY
will be OBVIOUS to all, as also that of
those two came to be. . . .But you
life in Christ is much more about WHAT WE
DO, than WHAT WE
KNOW. Knowledge
also brings accountability, so what we
learn we must put to practice in our
God Is
Never Impressed With What We Know
But unlike men, God is
never impressed with what we know, but
what we do, nor will we be judged worthy
of life based upon what we know, -but on
what we do. (Rev.20:12) Therefore,
it is necessary to examine what we
study. Is it understanding that I can
apply to my life? Will it help me grow
spiritually, producing the fruits of "love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
self-control?" (Gal.5:22) Or
does it produce deeds of the flesh such
as "enmities,
strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger,
disputes, dissensions,
factions.?"(Gal.5:20) In Verse
21 Paul
delivers the warning that "those
who practice such things shall not
inherit the Kingdom."
Lying spirits can
easily deceive us into believing we are
"standing up for the TRUTH" or we are
"Lifting high the Standard of God" when
we turn to what really is "fruitless
Those that do
this seem blind to the trail of
casualties left along the way, who are
hurt and confused and who had believed
Christianity to be much less
complicated. Many
being the children raised in this
environment who throw up their hands in
frustration thinking "how can God's Way
be so confusing?" This very approach is
contrary to what Jesus called "the weightier
matters of the Law", which are
Remember, Jesus
constantly rebuked the Pharisees, and
Scribes for making God's Commandments a
burden to the people. Many of them
fasted twice each week, prayed three
times daily and were so carefully
diligent in the giving of their tithes,
they actually plucked every tenth leaf
off their mint plants to give to God.
They paid attention to details and felt
righteous for
doing so. But Jesus told them that by
focusing their attention so
intently on
straining gnats,
they were blindly swallowing camels.
Gnats were the smallest unclean
creatures in Israel, and camels were the
largest of the unclean. Of course one
could not accidently eat a camel, but
could a gnat easily if it happened to
get in their wine cup. Because of this,
people regularly strained their wine
before drinking. But one should ask,
which would defile a man more, a gnat or
a camel? And that was the essence of
Jesus' rebuke. Their emphasis was
unbalanced, and in so doing they were
neglecting the weightier matters of the
law. (Matt.23)
This unbalanced,
self-righteous attitude and approach
concerning the teachings of God led to a
much more serious problem, -separation
from the God they believed they
were serving. Although Jesus told His
disciples that these Jewish Religious
leaders were sitting in Moses' seat,
remarkably they had actually become
agents of Satan the Devil! Notice John
8:44, -"You
are of your father the DEVIL, and you want
to do the desires of your father. He
was a murderer from the beginning, anddoes
not stand in
the truth,
because there is no truth in him.
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from
his own nature; for he is a liar, and
the father of lies." Before
Jesus called the Apostle Paul into His
ministry, Paul (formerly Saul) was a
devout member of the Pharisee Sect, and
severely persecuted the Church, dragging
men and women off to prison. And it was
he that probably presided over the
stoning of the first Christian martyr,
7:58/Acts 8:1-3)
Paul's Problem in the Ephesus Church
While imprisoned at Rome,
Paul wrote to Timothy instructing him to
stay in Ephesus to combat false teachers
in the Churches there. Years earlier,
Paul himself departed from Ephesus where
he had lived and taught for three years.
At his tearful departure, he warned the
elders there that some of them would
become wolves,
enemies of the Flock, and begin to speak
perverse things causing some to leave
the true faith. (Acts
20) Sadly,
Paul's words came to past and was still
occurring when he wrote to Timothy.
Notice 1
Timothy 1:3-6, -"As I urged you upon my
departure for Macedonia, remain on at
Ephesus, in order that you may instruct
certain men not
to teach strange doctrines, nor to
pay attention to myths and endless
genealogies, which give
rise to mere speculation rather
than furthering the administration
of God which
is by faith. . . .But THE
INSTRUCTIONis love from
a pure
heart and a
good conscience and
a sincere
faith. For some men, STRAYING
THINGS, have turned aside to
that Paul saidstrange doctrines leading
to speculation did
not further the administration
of God which
is by faith. Not only did it not further
the Work of God, but actually hampered
it, standing in opposition to it. I am
convinced that these men in Ephesus did
not believe that they were paying
attention to lying spirits which gave
rise to speculation, which in turn
hampered the truth of the Work God had
called them to. They believed that they
were right and felt duty-bound to spread
these "truths." But in reality they had
already or were soon to fall away from
the true faith in the simplicity
of Christ.
Those who Come in Jesus' Name
It is necessary to test
those coming in the Name of Christ, and
it is your responsibility and mine to
weigh their teaching against their
conduct and the mighty sword of God, the
Holy Bible. Apparently, the Church at
Ephesus did finally put those "savage
wolves" to the test, and judged them as
false teachers.(Rev.2) But
by this time, so
much damage had been done, the
Church had been robbed of its first love
of the truth. Many years later in about
96 AD, Jesus sent a letter to the Church
through the Apostle John. In it the Lord
calls for them to recapture their first
love, but also commends them for testing
those who had come in His Name, finding
them to be false.
Among the Wheat
In Jesus' parable of the
tares among the wheat (Matt.13) He
says that Satan the enemy sows seeds in
God's harvest which come up not as wheat
but as tares. And says that at the
Lord's return in glory His angels will
gather them from among the wheat and
burn them. At that time many will say, -"but
I did miracles in Your Name", -"I cast
out demons in Your Name, Lord." But
Jesus will rely, -"Depart from Me, I
never knew you, you workers
of iniquity."(lawlessness) (Matthew
Could it be that they had
come to neglect the weightier matters of
the law and the practice of
pure religion? Notice James
1:26-17, -"If any one thinks himself to
be religious, and yet does notbridle
his tongue but deceives
his own heart, this man's religion
is worthless.
This is pure and undefiled religion in
the sight of our God and Father, to visit
orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep
oneself unstained by
the world."
Resemble Wheat
The "tare", also known as
a "darnel", is a weed that so closely
resembles wheat, that it is virtually
impossible to distinguish until the ear
is developed. The difference? Like
true Christians who remain steadfast in
the faith, wheat bears
FRUIT, and like false brethren tares do
not. Notice
also, that Jesus said these tares were
sown in the Lord's Field while the servants
slept. As Jude warned,
false teachers can go unnoticed, -"For
certain persons have crept
in unnoticed, those who were long
beforehand marked out for this
condemnation, ungodly persons who turn
the grace of our God into licentiousness
and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus
Christ." (Verse 4) This
is why it is so important to be on guard
as Paul warned the Ephesians, and to
examine the fruits of those we are
receiving teaching from. Do they exhibit
the fruits
of the spirit in
their lives as defined in Galatians
5? And it's
equally important to carefully examine
ourselves regularly, making sure we
stand in the faith, by measuring our
attitude, motives and conduct. Remember,
"wolves" don't usually know they are
wolves, and "tares" don't usually know
they are tares.
Biblical Examples of Fallen Brethren
Some fall away from the
faith by paying attention to deceitful
spirits, who through the agency of men
bring doctrines of demons. (1
Some fall away by
embracing foolish
controversies or disputes about
the Law. (Titus
Some become factious, being
bent on causing
division in
the Church. The Bible says to reject
such a person after a second warning,
knowing that they are perverted, sinning
and self-condemned. (Titus
As Demas left Paul, some
leave the faith because they love
this present world.(
2 Tim. 4:10) James
says that friendship with the world
makes one an enemy of God. (James
Hymenaeus fell away by
believing the false teaching that the resurrection
had already taken place. He was
seduced by lying spirits. (2
Tim. 2:17)
Alexander fell away by opposing
the authority and teachings of
the Apostle Paul. (2
Tim. 4:14-15)
NOTE: Paul,
in his first letter to Timothy made
mention of both Hymenaeus and Alexander
and said that they had rejected the true
faith and good conscience, suffering
"shipwreck" in regards to their faith.
Paul goes on to say that he has turned
them over to Satan, probably meaning he
put them out of the Church of God. (1
Tim. 1:18-20)
Diotrephes fell away from the faith, but
managed to gain control over brethren in
the Church. He desiredpre-eminence over
the brethren and not only rejected
the teachings of the Apostle John but
put out of the assemblies any one who
accepted the aged Apostle.
Some fall away from the
faith because of their pursuit
of riches. (1
Tim. 9-10)
As in the Church at
Ephesus, some fall away because of losing
their "first love" of
the truth. Jesus warns those to return
to the DEEDS they did when they first
learned the truth. (Rev.
As in the Church at
Thyatira, some fall away because of immorality or tolerating
immoral brethren in
the Church. (Rev.
As in the Church at
Pergamum, some fall away because they
embrace the teaching
of Balaam. That is, like Balaam,
they entice
brethren to sin by teaching them to
compromise the
will of God, knowing that in so-doing
God will reject them. (Rev.
2:14) Those
who do this are tearing down what God is
trying to build.
Some fall away from the
faith by holding to the teaching
of the Nicolaitans. "Nicolaitan"
means "conquer the "laity" or "common
people." In the Church it is the doctrine
of a hierarchy which separatesthe
brethren into
two distinct classes, the "Clergy"
and the"Laity", with the Clergy ruling
over the Laity. This is the problem Paul
was addressing in the Corinthian Church
in 1
Cor. Chapters 1-4. The
Apostles and Pastors are "overseers" of
the Lord's flock but are told to serve
as examples and ordered
not to lord over the
heritage of God. Sadly, some fall away
by desiring to replace Christ with a
human head and master, just as Israel
rejected God by desiring a human king. (Rev.
As in the Sardis Church,
some fall away from the faith because
they don't
practice what they know. Their
"deeds" are not complete, therefore
Jesus says that although they profess
the living name
of Jesus, they are almost completely dead.
Jesus warns those to return their focus
to practicing what they know.
("strengthening what is left") (Rev.
As in the Laodicean
Church, some fall away because they neglect
to carefully examine themselvestherefore
becoming "poor,
blind and naked" without
even knowing it. They blindly think they
are in fine spiritual condition,
probably because their righteousness is
based on things other than the deeds of
pure religion.(Rev.3:17)
Some fall away succumbing
to the lying spirits of gossip
and slander. Notice "These
are grumblers, finding fault, following
their own lusts." (Jude vs 16)
Some fall away due to persecution or worries of
the world. (Parable of the Sower -(Matt.
Some fall away because of
the company
they keep. Notice, -"Do
not be deceived, bad
company corrupts good morals." (1
Cor. 15:33)
Some fall away because
they will not receive sound
doctrine from God-appointed
teachers, desiring instead to
accumulate for themselves teachers that
will tell them what is pleasing to them. (2
Tim 4:3)
Some fall away because
they don't have a deep love for the
truth, thus are easily deceived. (2
Thes. 2:10-15)
Some fall away because
they allow a "root of bitterness" to
develop in them. (Hebrews
Some fall because
they are seduced into straying from the simplicity and
purity of devotion to Christ.
Some DO's and DON'T's
righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
perseverance and gentleness." (1
"Shun foolish
controversies and genealogies and strife
and disputes about the Law; for they areunprofitable
and worthless." (Titus 3:9)
always; pray without ceasing; in
everything give thanks; for this is
God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1
Thes. 5:16-18)
foolish and ignorant speculations,
knowing that they produce quarrels." (2
Tim. 2:23)
"And the
Lord's bond-servant must not be
quarrelsome, but be kind to all , able
to teach, patient when wronged, with
gentleness correcting those who are in
opposition." (2 Tim. 2:24-25)
"See to it
that no one takes you captive through
philosophy and empty deception,
according to the tradition of men,
according to the elementary principles
of the world, rather
thanaccording to Christ.(Col.2:8)
brethren, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
of good repute, if there is any
excellence and if anything worthy of
praise, let your mind dwell on these
things." (Philippians 4:8)
"I am
amazed that you are so quickly deserting
Him who called you by the grace of
Christ, for a different gospel; which is
really not another; only there are some
who are disturbing you, and want to
distort the gospel of Christ." (Gal.
"So then
do not be foolish, but understand what
the will of the Lord is. And do not get
drunk with wine, for that is
dissipation, but be filled with the
spirit, speaking to one another in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody with your
heart to the Lord; always giving thanks
for all things in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ to God, even the Father."
(Ephesians 5:17-20)
"And from
among your own selves men will arise,
speaking perverse
things, to draw away the disciples
after them. . .Therefore be. . .alert."
(Acts 20:29-31)
gird your minds for action, keep sober
in spirit, fix your hope completely on
the grace to be brought to you at the
revelation of Jesus." (1 Pet.1:13)
prophets also arose among the people,
just as there will also be false
teachers among you, who will introduce
destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who bought them, bringing swift
destruction upon themselves." (2 Peter
all diligence, in your faith supply moral
excellence, and in your moral
excellence,knowledge; and in your
knowledge, self-control, perseverance,
and in your perseverance,godliness;
and in your godliness, brotherly
kindness, and in your brotherly
kindness, Christian
love. For if these
qualitiesare yours and are
increasing, they render you neither useless
nor unfruitful in
the true
knowledge of
our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks
these qualities is blind or
short-sighted, having forgotten his
purification from his former sins.
Therefore, brethren, be all the more
diligent to make
certain about His calling and choosing
you; for as long as you practice
these things, you will never stumble."
(2 Peter 1:5-10)
The Apostle Paul said
that there
must be factions or
divisions in the Church in order that
those who are approved may be made
manifest. Some will remain steadfast in
the Apostolic teachings butmany
will fall away from the simplicity of
being a Christian.
Jesus said, "there
must be offences" that
cause His little ones to stumble, but
then added -"but woe to him who causes
the offence, for it would be better had
that man never been born." Jesus knew
that those whom the Father called into
His Church must be tested. And He knew
that a part of that testing would come
from those who had once pledged their
allegiance and devotion to Christ. And
Jesus knew they would come in His name
preaching another
Jesus and
a perverted
These false teachers come in the
name of Jesus with doctrines of demons,
deceiving and being deceived themselves. My
friends, earnestly contend for the
faith, once and for all delivered. Keep
the Ten Commandments and hold the
testimony of Christ.