For those of us who have
been reading our Bibles
for many years, there is
little doubt that we are
now living in the last
days leading up to the
Great Tribulation and
the consequent return of
Christ in glory. I have
long believed and taught
that the End-Time
"Beast" of the Book of
Daniel and Revelation
would be a united Europe
led by Germany. The Book
of Daniel teaches that
there would be only four
world-ruling empires
which would arise and
come out of the "Great
Sea", the body of water
we call the
Mediterranean Sea today.
This identifies the
location of these
empires which is why the
Beast will not be
Russia, China, the
United States or an
Arabic Federation.
The fourth and last
Beast has already risen.
It came upon the world
scene when Rome
conquered Greece and
then the known world
before the time of
Christ. The Bible says
nothing of a fifth
Beast, so the End-Time
Beast must be a
resurrection of the
fourth Beast which would
be centered in Europe.
In Daniel
2 we
see these four kingdoms
in succession pictured
by a statue of a man
with a head of gold,
arms and chest of
silver, belly and thighs
of brass and legs of
iron with ten toes being
a mixture of iron and
clay. The Bible
identifies these
kingdoms as Babylon,
Medo-Persian, Greece and
The prophecy goes on to
say that in the time of
the reign of the fourth
Beast that Christ would
return and establish a
world-ruling kingdom on
the earth which would
never expire. A "Stone"
cut without human hands
from the "Mountain of
God" is sent downward
and strikes the toes of
the statue, because it
is during the time of
these ten kings of
Europe headed by the
Anti-Christ himself in
which the Lord returns.
Then all of man's
kingdoms fall and give
way to Christ's reign of
righteousness and peace.
Notice that although
Nebuchadnezzar is dead
and buried, his kingdom
falls along with all the
other conquered kingdoms
when the Stone strikes
the End-Time kingdom.
Let's look at some
things which help us to
understand that this new
United States of Europe
is the resurrection of
the fourth beast. In
December 2000 Europe
opened their new
Parliament building in
Strasbourg, France. It
cost 12 billion dollars
to build and is
patterned after a Dutch
artist's famous painting
of the Tower of Babel.
In the old painting, the
Tower is unfinished
because it is still
under construction. The
new EU building is built
to appear unfinished
just like the painting.
It is also a tower with
an open courtyard in the
middle. Looking upward
one can see the sky.

When the EU were
recruiting other nations
to join them, they sent
out posters and
brochures with this old
painting of the tower on
the front cover. The
slogan on them says,
"Many Tongues, One
Voice." The politicians
of Europe view the
coming together of the
union as a
reconstruction of Babel.
Throughout the Bible the
Tower of Babel is a
symbol of ultimate
rebellion against God
which is why He stopped
its construction before
it was completed by
confusing the languages.
The other European
Parliament building is
in Brussels, Belgium and
has a new statue of the
goddess Europa riding a
Bull. According to
mythology, this Bull
represents the pagan god
Zeus who carried Europa
through the
Mediterranean Sea to the
island of Crete where he
raped her. The statue
outside the building
depicts a woman riding a
beast. So, the two
symbols of the new EU
are the rebuilding of
the Tower of Babel and
the rape of Europe.

In 1898 the Germans took
two significant things
from Babylon and Turkey.
The Seat of Satan
mentioned in Revelation
2, from Pergamon in
Turkey, and the Ishtar
Gate from Babylon. In
1913 the reconstruction
of the Seat of Satan was
completed in Berlin and
was followed by a
tremendous opening
ceremony of dedication.
Within one year Germany
was at war. Prior to
WWII, Hitler built a
model of the altar of
the Seat of Satan in
Nuremberg from which he
made some of his famous
speeches, including the
one declaring
extermination of the