Richard Nickels of Giving and Sharing
Critical Review
by: Dan Gayman
of the Church of Israel
What is the origin of the
races? The Bible gives few clues.
Was Adam the first human being? Most
professing Christians believe that Adam
was the first man, created by God in the
Garden of Eden. However, there is a
variant view, with substantial
theological implications.
Dan Gayman and his group in
Missouri came into the Sabbath in 1987.
A dynamic speaker, Gayman received
glowing reviews for his presentation at
the Friends of the Sabbath seminar in
Sydney, Australia, in July, 1996. In
his book, Sabbath
Under Crossfire, pages 276-277, Dr.
Samuele Bacchiocchi uses Gayman’s record
of his church’s conversion to the
Sabbath as a sterling example. There
are indeed positive aspects of Gayman’s
ministry. But, on the subject of race,
Gayman’s views are diametrically opposed
to our understanding of the Bible.
Gayman’s Wrong Ideas on Race
In summary, Gayman believes that
non-white races originated before Adam.
God created them along with other living
creatures. They can know God, worship
God, but can never comprehend deep
spiritual truths. Gayman believes that
Adam was white and ALL his descendents
are Caucasians. Only
Adamites, Gayman holds, can have a
covenant relationship with God, and can
receive eternal life in His Kingdom.
Nonwhite races do not sin, and are not
under the penalty of breaking God’s Law,
and hence, do not need salvation.
According to Gayman, Jesus Christ died
only for white Caucasians, and there is
no Bible support for foreign missions to
the third world. The Christianity of
Gayman’s Church of Israel is only for
white people.
Because these racial views are
so twisted and pernicious, I will take
the time to answer Dan Gayman’s false
teachings on race.
of Races: After His Kind
The core of
Gayman’s theology of race centers on
the issue of the origin of the races.
He says, “The belief that all races
descended from Adam is rank evolution
. . . No Christian can buy this
outrageous and unscriptural teaching,”
p. 145 of Do
All Races Share in Salvation? He
points out what to him, are vast
differences between the races. “To
believe that all of these evolved from
one common beginning is ludicrous, alien
to all common sense,” ibid.
In studying
the Biblical account of Creation, one is
struck with the frequent use of the
phrase, “after his [or their] kind,” Genesis
1:21, 24-25. And then, in verse
26, mankind was created in the image
of God, after the God
kind. In Genesis
6:19, 20-22, Noah was instructed to
bring into the ark birds and animals
“after their kind.” The Hebrew word for
“kind” is Strong’s #4327, meen,
meaning “to sort, or portion out, or
divide.” The animal “kinds” cannot mix,
there is a genetic divide created by
God. Even if different kinds are forced
to mate (e.g., donkey and horse), the
result is usually sterile (e.g., a
Dogs come
in many shapes, sizes, and colors
(black, white, brown, yellow). Noah did
not have to take the many distinct
varieties of dogs onto the ark. They
are all the dog kind.
Human beings are of the same kind. In
fact, there appear to be more
differences between dog varieties than
human varieties. Do kinds produce
a great multitude of varieties?
Certainly, they do! This kind of
“evolution” does occur. But a dog never
becomes an ape, and a monkey never
becomes a human.
So, how
did God create the different races?
Gayman does not know, and admits that
“the Bible is silent on the development
[and origin] of the other [nonwhite]
races,” p. 152. “If the Bible includes
the record of how the non-Adamic races
were created, it is found in Genesis
1:25, where the chay
neffesh creation,
or living creatures, are named. The
living creatures here could have been
biped as well as quadruped,” p. 150.
Since the Bible is silent with regard to
the origin of races, why should we join
Gayman in supposing (without proof) that
every race was created separately and
distinctly? There is no proof races
were created at all. With no proof,
Gayman holds as a postulate and
presupposition (his own admission), that
“The Bible was not written for all the
races of the earth,” p. 147.
The word man (Strong’s
#120, adam)
in Genesis
1:26 and 2:7 comes
from the same Hebrew root word, Strong’s
#119, adam,
meaning, “to show blood in the face,
flush or turn rosy, be dyed red, red
(ruddy).” Since many nonwhites do not
blush to the extreme that whites do,
therefore, according to Gayman, they are
not descended from Adam because Adam was
Caucasian, white-skinned and able to
turn rosy and ruddy.
Dangerous Lack of Historical Knowledge
With no
proof whatsoever, Gayman believes only
Caucasians are descended from Adam, and
the Bible is a book only of
the generations of Adam (which he
believes is the white race), Genesis
5:1-3. Gayman says, “There are no
genealogical tables giving the history
of the Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus,
Japanese, Negroid, and others because
the Bible is the history of the Adamic
race in general, and Israel in
particular,” p. 149. Is Gayman’s Bible
lacking Genesis
10, which gives the Table of Nations
descended from Noah’s son, Japheth, Ham,
and Shem? Three times the Bible refers
to Egypt as the “land of Ham,” Psalm
105:23, 27, 106:22. The word, “Ham”
in the Hebrew is cham,
Strong’s #2526, meaning “hot” (from
their tropical habitat).
If Gayman
is correct that white people alone are
Adamites, and nonwhites are not
descended from Adam, then he must prove
where the non-Adamites are living
today. The Genesis
10 nations
are all descended from Noah, who was
descended from Adam, and repopulated the
whole earth after the flood. “These are
the families of the sons of Noah, after
their generations, in their nations: and
by these were the nations divided in the
earth after the flood,” Genesis
10:32. If the whole earth was
filled with Adamites after the Flood,
where did the non-Adamites go? Like
others of his ilk, Gayman probably
believes non-Adamites were on the Ark of
Noah as servants (beasts). Of course,
there is not a hint of such a fantasy in
the entire Bible. We must not base our
whole theology on unproven
presuppositions as Gayman does.
Like a
house of cards, Gayman’s whole theory of
race and the Bible is built on the
theory, unproven and presupposed, that
God created the races each for a
different purpose, whites to salvation,
and nonwhites to secondary status and
physical life only. Since the Bible is
silent on the origin of the races, the
question is one of interpreting history.
History is
not Dan Gayman’s strong suit. Here are
some of the pathetically erroneous
historical “proofs” he gives: “The
question of a multi-racial Church never
entered the minds of the Churchmen who
occupied the pulpits and altars of the
Living Church from the days of the
Apostles to the time of the Protestant
Reformation.” What does Gayman do with Acts
8 where
the Ethiopian eunuch was converted, and Acts
13:1, where Simeon called Niger
(black) was a prophet and teacher? Gayman: “A
quick survey of Church history confirms
the fact [sic] that until the dawning of
the 17th century,
Christianity was confined to the
Caucasian population of Western Asia,
Europe, Scandinavia and the British
Isles.” Perhaps Gayman has not read
about the black Ethiopian
Sabbath-keepers, the St. Thomas
Sabbath-keeping Christians of western
India, Chinese and Japanese and Filipino
Sabbatarians, all of whom existed 900
to 1000 years before the 17th Century.
See the book, Truth
Triumphant, by Benjamin
Wilkinson, $12.95 from Giving &
Sharing. A poor understanding of the
history of true Christianity has
damaging effects! Gayman is ignorant of
critical historical facts, which destroy
his unfounded racial theories.
Gayman: “Every
race was created to know their Creator
in a different way and by a different
means,” p. 28. In other words, he
believes religion is genetic. Negroes,
Gayman believes, have always worshipped
the Creator in various forms of
voodooism, ancestral spirits, and
physical objects. Any attempt to alter
and change their method of knowing and
worshipping God has not remained
permanent. Left alone, “they always
revert to the gods of their ancestors.”
He says whites fight God when they try
to convert nonwhites. Gayman has the
audacity to believe that God created
Arabs to believe in the Moslem faith,
Orientals to believe in Buddha, and
black Zulus to worship the gods of
Voodoo. “Christianity is the religion
of the Caucasian race,” p. 29. Nonwhite
temporary Christian “converts,” he says,
quickly mold their newfound Christianity
into the image of their cultural gods.
The “god”
of Pastor Gayman has programmed
nonwhites to naturally follow false
religions, yet these false religions are
deemed acceptable to the Creator and the
God-ordained means for nonwhites to know
the true God as Creator and worship
Him. This is a purely Satanic belief!
See II Corinthians
4:4; Ephesians 2:2.
Have not
white Caucasians butchered the faith of
Jesus Christ in more ways than
non-whites ever thought of doing?
Certainly they have! The blasphemy of
Roman Catholicism stands as a stark
testimony refuting Gayman’s utter lack
of historical knowledge. Today, whites
in the Western world are turning from
Christian principles to rank occultism
and paganism, while many nonwhites are
flocking to Christ and the Bible.
Gayman is woefully ignorant of the
worldwide explosion of interest in God
and the Bible by non-whites, a movement
which began in spite of, not because of,
white missionaries.
falsely says that after 200 years of
white missionary activity, Africa is
stuck in its variant forms of
Voodooism. However, the book, Sabbath
Roots: The African Connection,
by Charles E. Bradford (available from
Giving & Sharing for $15), shows that
multitudes of black Sabbath-keeping
Christians existed for many hundreds of
years before white missionaries ever set
foot on the sub-Saharan continent.
Today, about 340 million Africans
profess Christianity. According to
reliable estimates, Africa has the
world’s largest concentration of
Sabbath-keepers, some twenty million
people, of which only about three
million are Seventh Day Adventists. The
Sabbath is natural to black Africans;
they have a natural proclivity to
accepting God’s Holy Sabbath. God is
doing a work in Africa! Gayman says
black Africans cannot maintain their
Christian religion. But, the Ashantis
of Ghana, for example, have maintained
Sabbath-keeping for many hundreds,
probably thousands, of years. Truly
converted nonwhites today are the
strongest proof that Gayman’s racial
theories are dead wrong.
Once again, it is dangerous to
be so ignorant of historical facts!
Will Have All Men Saved
circular reasonings and glaring
contradictions have deceived him into
thinking he has an answer to most of
the Scriptural objections one can raise
against his false theory, that salvation
is limited to white people.
Galatians 3:29 says,
“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye
Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to
the promise.” Gayman would translate
this verse to mean, “Only if you are
Abraham’s seed can ye be Christ’s,” but
that is NOT what it says, or means.
This verse proves that salvation is not
limited to the physical seed of
Abraham. Those who are called of God
must give up their pagan, heathen ways,
and become spiritually the
seed of Abraham. God, the Holy One of
Israel, is “The God of the whole earth .
. .” Isaiah
54:5, not only white Caucasians. In
the World Tomorrow, the whole earth will
keep the Feast of Tabernacles, including
Egypt, the land of Ham, Zechariah
14. Blacks from Egypt will still be
black, and worship along with Israel and
Assyria,Isaiah 19:23-25.
17:26 says
that God “hath made of one blood [one
creation of mankind] all nations of men
for to dwell on all the face of the
earth, and hath determined the times
before appointed, and the bounds of
their habitation.” We all go back to
Adam, not Adam and other biped living
11:17 speaks
of Israel, the “natural olive tree,” and
the Gentiles, “a wild olive tree,” who,
contrary to their nature, became grafted
into the natural olive tree (Israel), verse
24. Gayman says the Bible uses the
word, “Gentiles” to refer to Israel in
dispersion, the Lost 10 Tribes of
Israel. But, this is a contradiction.
He told us that Israel has a natural
inclination toward God, that
Christianity is the religion of the
Caucasian race. If so, how could the
Gentiles be the lost tribes of Israel
who need to be grafted into the natural
olive tree? The Gentile Ephesian
converts to Christianity were formerly “strangers from
the covenants of promise, having no
hope, andwithout God in
the world,” Ephesians
2:12. With no proof, Gayman claims
the Gentile Cornelius who was converted
in Acts
10, was a genetic Israelite.
The first
Bible use of the word, “Gentile” is in Genesis
10:5, referring to Japheth’s sons.
Japheth was not an Israelite. Micah
5:8 says
“the remnant
of Jacob shall
be among
the Gentiles in
the midst of many people . . . .” Matthew
10:5-6 gives
Christ’s instructions to the Apostles,
“Go not into the way of the Gentiles. .
. . But gorather to
the lost sheep of the house of Israel
[Israel in dispersion].” Luke
21:24 says,
“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the
Gentiles, until the times of the
Gentiles be fulfilled.” When has this
happened? Jerusalem is not run by
Israel in dispersion. The Lost 10
Tribes are not Gentiles, as Gayman
When you
have a wrong Bible teaching, there is a
temptation to attempt to force all
Scripture to conform to your theory. Exodus
12:48 shows
that a stranger [Strong’s
#1616, ger,
“alien, foreigner”] that sojourns with
Israel, and wants to keep the Passover,
may do so if he and all his males are
circumcised. Gayman says the “stranger”
is an Israelite born outside the
Promised Land. However, Solomon’s
prayer at the dedication of the Temple
asks God to answer the prayers of “a
stranger, that is not of Thy people
Israel,” I Kings
8:41-43. One of the cursings that
will fall upon Israel for disobedience
to the Eternal’s laws is that “The
stranger [ger] that is within
thee shall get up above thee very high;
and thou shalt come down very low,” Deuteronomy
Timothy 2:4 says
the God of Scripture “Who will have all
men [not
only white people] to be saved, and to
come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
The “Great Commission” to the Church is,
“Go ye therefore, and teach ALL nations [ethnos,
Strong’s #1484, “foreign, non-Jewish,
pagan, Gentile, heathen, nation],
baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
[Spirit],” Matthew
28:19. Again, Mark
16:15 reads,
“Go ye into all the world, and preach
the gospel to every creature,” (See also Colossians
1:23). Gayman says the “nations” to
whom we are to preach the Gospel, are
limited to the two houses of Israel. Revelation
2:26, 5:9, 7:9, and many, many other
Scriptures say just the opposite.
In Revelation
14:6-7, we see that the first angel
has “the everlasting gospel to preach
unto them that dwell on the earth, and
to every nation, and kindred, and
tongue, and people, Saying with a loud
voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him;
for the hour of His judgment is come:
and worship Him that made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and the fountains of
waters.” In Gayman’s view, this angel
is wasting his time because nonwhites
cannot comprehend the Gospel. The Third
Angel’s message of verses
9-12 indicates,
“If any man worship the beast and his
image, and receive his mark . . . The
same shall drink of the wine of the
wrath of God.” Nonwhites can worship
the beast. Their punishment will be the
same as whites who receive the mark of
the beast. Same punishment, same
The 144,000
special converts of Revelation
7:1-8 are
followed by “a great multitude, which no
man could number, of all nations, and
kindreds, and people, and tongues,
[which] stood before the throne, and
before the Lamb, clothed with white
robes, and palms in their hands. . . .
These are they which came out of great
tribulation, and have washed their
robes, and made them white in the blood
of the Lamb,” verses
9-17. Out of all nations, kindreds,
and tongues, converts will turn to the
Almighty, not to their native voodoo
religion with which Gayman says they are
According to Gayman, nonwhites should
not be ruling any nation on earth. In
the beautiful “Song of Moses” of Deuteronomy
32, the old patriarch says, “When
the Most High divided to the nations
their inheritance, when He separated the
sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the
people according to the number of the
children of Israel. For the Lord’s
portion is His people; Jacob is the lot
of His inheritance,” verses
8-9. The earth is divided into
lands for Israel, and lands for
non-Israelite nations, and all are sons
of Adam. However, blacks rule mid and
southern Africa. If they are
non-Adamites as Gayman says, then
something is wrong with these verses.
There should be Caucasians ruling all
Africa. And the Chinese have been
squatting on the land of China for
thousands of years, since the land
should belong to one or more of the
so-called Caucasian sons of Adam. What
a tragic perversion of Scripture!
Dan Gayman’s interpretation of Deuteronomy
32:8-9 produces
a powerless God who has not set the
bounds of peoples and nations.
On page
171, Gayman says that the Moabites
during the time of Balaam “had
mongrelized themselves with a variety of
heathen peoples.” On page 179, he says,
“Blood pollution is forever; it’s
irreversible!” Yet, on page 189, he
says hundreds of years later, Ruth the
Moabitess, wife of Boaz, in the lineage
of David and Jesus, was racially pure.
Here again, he blatantly contradicts
31:27 says,
“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord,
that I will sow the house of Israel and
the house of Judah with the seed of man,
and with the seed of beast.” Gayman
says this is a prophecy of racial mixing
justbefore the
return of Christ. However, the context
precludes this interpretation. This is
a prophecy of the timeafter the
return of the Messiah, when unified
Israel and Judah, who have returned
after national captivity, verses
7-11, will repopulate the earth.
God will plant Israel and Judah to be
the model nation, and numbers of men and
beasts will be multiplied after much
devastation. In no way does this
predict racial mixing before the return
of Christ. Nonwhites are not “beasts”
as Gayman claims.
Gayman does
not define the bounds of what he
believes to be the Adamic (Caucasian)
race. Bounds should be largely defined
by Shem, Ham and Japheth and the sixteen
grandsons of Noah.
I have chosen to omit a lengthy part of
Mr. Nichols Review here because I have
already addressed Genesis 6 in my
article "The Two Seeds Heresy." Mr.
Nichols comments on this passage are
essentially the same as mine. If you
wish to read this content of his Review
of Dan Gayman's Book, you can read it at
this link
Mr. Nickels Concludes
One of the
most abused phrases in the modern world
is the term, “hate group.” Liberals
will label almost anybody they don’t
like as a “hate group.” According to
the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, “Hate Crime
Data Collection Guidelines,” October,
1999, page, 3, this is the American
government definition: “Hate Group — An
organization whose primary purpose is to
promote animosity, hostility, and malice
against persons belonging to a race,
religion, disability, sexual
orientation, or ethnicity/national
origin which differs from that of the
members of the organization, e.g., the
Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party.” This
is a good definition of “hate group.”
Using this
definition, Dan Gayman’s Church of
Israel can in no way be classified as a
hate group. In fact, Gayman teaches
that all races should be appreciated and
respected, since they are creations of
the Almighty. The Church of Israel’s
statement of beliefs says, “We hold no
malice or hatred for other races.
However, we choose to worship with our
own ethnic people….” Although I
vehemently disagree with Gayman on the
subject of race, it would be false to
accuse him of hate.If a planeload of
blacks crashed on their property, I am
sure that Gayman and his followers would
be quick to help relieve suffering, and
prevent further loss of life
Gayman may believe that MOST "all
races should be appreciated and
respected, since they are creations of
the Almighty" but I would strongly
suggest that this does not include the
Race of Jews. This ministry does not
believe that those who call themselves
"Jews" today are a creation of God, but
are actually the children of the devil. Jerry
Gentry's article the "TWO SEEDS" concludes
with slanderous accusations against the
race of "Jews." Mr. Gentry served as one
of Gayman's Pastors until he left the
Church of Israel and began the Church in
the Wilderness Ministry. In his article,
he says of the Jewish Race -this"unlawful,
out of kind seed of the Serpent has
continued to grow among the wheat of
God, all the way down through history.
This is the usurer race. This is the
merchandising race. This is the race
that corrupts music. This is the
cheating race that lives by a vile book
called the Talmud. This race has
inflamed hatred and enmity with "her
seed" of Adam's race since that eventful
day in the Garden. This race was at
various times kicked out en masse from
the major nations across Europe." I
do not know if "exposing the Jews as
Satan's spawn" is the "primary purpose"
for ministries such as these, but it is
clearly an important part of their
message. By their very nature comments
such as these "promote animosity,
hostility, and malice against persons
belonging to a race." END
of Israel: Servant People
Israel is special to the Eternal. They
are special because they have a special
job to do. If Israelites are racially
destroyed, they cannot perform the
responsibility God called them to do. Deuteronomy
7:6-8 explains,
“For thou art [are to become] an holy
people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord
thy God hath chosen thee to be a special
[Hebrew: segullah,
Strong’s #5459, ‘to shut up (because it
is precious), wealth, treasure, jewel’]
people unto Himself, above all people
that are upon the face of the earth.
The Lord did not set His love upon you,
nor choose you, because ye were more in
number than any people; for ye were the
fewest of all people: But because the
Lord loved you, and because He would
keep the oath which He had sworn unto
your fathers. . . .” They were to
become a “kingdom of priests, and an
holy nation,” Exodus
19:5-6. In other words, Israel is
God’s instrument to share His Truth and
way of life with all other peoples.
43:10 adds,
“Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord,
and My servant whom I have chosen.”
God gave
His statutes and judgments to Israel for
a purpose: “Keep therefore and do them;
for this is your wisdom and your
understanding in the sight of the
nations, which shall hear all these
statutes, and say, Surely this great
nation is a wise and understanding
people. For what nation is there so
great, who hath God so nigh unto them. .
.” Deuteronomy
Do the
marriages of the Anglo-Saxon peoples of
North America, Western Europe, South
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand
further the advancement of the purpose
of Israel? May God guide His people to
make wise marital unions. As Gayman
properly concludes, it would be wrong
for us to judge another person as
“racially unfit” for membership in the
Church of God. Let God be the judge, as
we work out our own salvation with fear
and trembling, Philippians