The Catholic Church and most of the Protestant Churches
accept Sunday, the first day of the week as the proper
day set aside for assembling for worship. Religious Jews
still observe Saturday, the seventh day as the proper
day for rest and for assembling for worship. The Jews
still hold the day to be holy to the Lord. History is
clear that the earliest Christians, Jew and Gentile
alike, all observed the Sabbath. Was it because of
tradition, convenience of the time or by commandment?
The Catholic Church, believing they had the authority to
add or remove Laws changed to Sunday observance out of
convenience. Some Protestant faiths hold the belief that
Jesus was resurrected on Sunday, therefore it is the day
to be set apart for assembling. Some Protestant faiths
do not believe that it matters to God whether the
Sabbath is kept holy and observed as the day of the holy
assembly, therefore they choose Sunday because of
convenience. Bible
Translation: NASV
The Sabbath Day: The
seventh day of the first week of creation. God rested on
this day after completing the work of creation in six
days. God also blessed the seventh day and declared it a
memorial of creation. The weekly Sabbath is designed to
remind man that there is a God who created them and
everything around them. At Sinai, God commanded Israel
to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, notice -“Remember
the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall
labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a
Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any
work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or
your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who
stays with you. For in six days the Lord made the
heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them,
and rested on the seventh day and made it holy.” (Exodus
was also commanded to declare the Lord’s appointed times
at the proper time God has chosen. The Sabbath day was
given not only as a day for rest, but also for assembly,
notice, -“For six days
work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a
Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation. You shall
not do any work; it is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your
dwellings. These are the appointed times of the Lord,
holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times
appointed for them.” (Leviticus 23:3-4)
Sunday, the first day of
the week: Sometimes
erroneously called the “Sabbath.” Some refer to Sunday
as the “Lord’s Day” because they believe that Jesus was
resurrected on the morning of the first day. In
Scripture it is referred to as a work day. The chosen
day of worship for most Christians.
Some Christians argue that invariably time has been lost
since creation week, therefore it is impossible to know
which day is really the true seventh day Sabbath. The
error in this reasoning is that Christians need not
reach that far back in time, but only to the time of
Jesus since He kept the Sabbath Himself. As you learned
in Lesson 1, ”Who is Jesus?”, it was He, as God the Son,
who rested on the seventh day of creation. Scripture
makes it clear that Jesus and His Apostles not only knew
which day the Sabbath was, but kept it themselves.
Genesis 2:1-3 / Mark 2:27-28
❖ The first Sabbath was made for __________
❖ God __________ the
Seventh day and sanctified (set it apart) it
❖ Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for __________
❖ Jesus is the __________ of
the Sabbath
Commentary: The
Sabbath day is a memorial of the creation week. This
memorialized the seventh day as God’s original day of
rest. Since the Sabbath is a memorial of a past event,
no other day can replace it. For example, you cannot
change your birthday from the day which you were born to
one on which you were not born. Neither is it possible
to change God’s rest day to a day on which He did not
rest. Therefore, the seventh day will always be God’s
Sabbath day. One can question whether Christians are
obligated to observe the Sabbath, but one cannot make
another day the Sabbath day.
Points to Ponder: The
Sabbath is not an Israelite, or Jewish institution. It
was given 2300 years before the birth of Jacob’s
(Israel) sons. The Bible never refers to this day as the
“Jewish” Sabbath, but the “Sabbath of the Lord thy God.”
It was already a part of God’s Law before the
Commandments were given at Mt. Sinai. (Exodus 16:4)
Exodus 16:4-5 / Exodus 16:19-31 / Ezekiel 20:12-13,19-21
/ Exodus 34:21 / Jeremiah 17:19-27 / Nehemiah 13:15-18 /
Leviticus 23:1-3 / Isaiah 58: 13-14 / Isaiah 56 /
Numbers 15:32-36 / Exodus 31:12-18 / Ezekiel 22:23-26 /
2 Chronicles 36:11-21 / Leviticus 26
❖ God rained _________ from Heaven and told Israel to
gather a day’s portion every day
❖ On the _____ _____ they were to gather twice as much
so that they may rest on the Sabbath
❖ God did this in order to ________ them to see if they
would walk in His instruction
❖ If any Manna was left over until morning, it bred
_________ and became foul
❖ Did it become foul when it was left over for the
Sabbath day? ________
❖ God rained the Manna down every day of the week but
the ____________
❖ Were the people forbidden to go out to gather Manna on
the Sabbath? ________
❖ Did some go out on the Sabbath anyway? ________
❖ Was God angry because some of the people refused to
keep His Commandment? _______
❖ Did God provide two days worth of Manna on the sixth
day? ________
❖ Does God promise to provide for those who trust Him
enough to keep this Commandment?_____
❖ God told Israel that the Sabbath would be a ________
between He and them
❖ In order that they may ________ that He is the
________ their God
❖ Because Israel profaned God’s Sabbaths, He resolved to
pour out His _________ on them
❖ Did God allow the Israelites to work on the Sabbath
during harvest time? ________
❖ God promised that ______________ would stand forever
if its citizens kept the Sabbath
Commentary: Sadly,
the people of Jerusalem did not repent of profaning the
Sabbath and were conquered by Babylon in 586 BC.
Jerusalem was destroyed, God’s Temple was plundered and
burned, and its citizens were carried away as slaves.
❖ The ___________ is your weekly appointment with your
Heavenly Father
❖ The Sabbath is a ___________, the holy day of the
Lord, honorable
❖ Does God allow us to seek our own pleasure on the
Sabbath? ________
❖ Does God allow us to speak our own word on the
Sabbath? ________
❖ How ___________ is the man who keeps from profaning
the Sabbath
❖ To Sabbath keepers, God promises to place a
____________ of them within His walls
❖ To them, He will bring to His holy ____________ and
make them joyful in His House of Prayer
❖ Was the man found gathering wood on the Sabbath
declared guilty? _______
❖ The Lord said -“The man shall surely be put to
❖ God so emphasized Sabbath observance that He ruled
that those who broke it be put to _______
❖ Some of Israel’s unfaithful Priests ________ their
eyes from God’s Sabbaths and profaned them
❖ Judah was captured and carried away until the land had
enjoyed its ____________
❖ God grants _________ in the land when people keep His
❖ God promises to make ___________ and ____________
those who keep His Sabbaths
❖ God promises to walk among those who keep His
❖ Is Sabbath keeping a part of the Covenant of Promise
made to father Abraham? _______
Luke 4:14-16 / John 15:10 / Matthew 12:1-13 / Matthew
24:20-21 / Luke 23:50-56 / Acts 17:1-4 / Acts 13:42-50 /
Acts 16:11-13 / Acts 24:13-14 / Hebrews 4:9-11 / Hebrews
❖ Did Jesus keep the Sabbath? _______
❖ While on the earth, did Jesus keep the Commandments?
❖ Did Jesus abolish Sabbath observance or teach how it
should be kept? ____________________
❖ Who is the Lord of the Sabbath? ______________
❖ Jesus says that end-time Christians living in Judea
should pray their flight not be on _________
❖ In doing this, was Jesus making a clear distinction
between the Sabbath and other days? _______
❖ After Jesus died, pious women still kept the Sabbath
according to the ______________
❖ Did the Apostle Paul keep the Sabbath after the death
and resurrection of Jesus? __________
❖ Did Paul hold services for the Gentiles on the Sabbath
or Sunday? ______________
❖ “The next __________ nearly the whole (Gentile) city
assembled to hear the Word of the Lord.”
❖ While in Philippi, Paul went outside the gate to look
for a place of _______ on the Sabbath.
❖ Did Paul tell Felix that he believed everything that
is in accordance with the Law? ________
❖ Wasn’t Paul accused by the Jews of teaching against
the Law? ______________
❖ Did Paul deny these charges? ______________
❖ Isn’t the Sabbath the fourth Commandment and in the
very heart of the Law? ______________
❖ The writer of Hebrews says “There remains a
___________ rest for the people of God.”
❖ When a person enters the Sabbath rest, he follows
________ example, Who also rested that day
❖ Christians are to “be diligent to enter that rest, so
that no one will _______”
❖ Christians are not to follow Israel’s example of
______________, and break the Sabbath.
❖ Christians are warned to not ______________ the
assembling together for Sabbath services
❖ So, is it reasonable to conclude that the Apostle Paul
was teaching against the Sabbath? ______
Commentary: Paul
was never accused of teaching against Sabbath observance
by the Jews. The Bible records no dispute between
Christians and Jews concerning the observance of the
Sabbath day. The Sabbath is mentioned 59 times in the
New Testament and always with respect. The New Testament
bears no record of any Christian doing ordinary work on
the Sabbath. The book of Acts alone records the Apostle
Paul holding 84 meetings on the Sabbath day. (Acts
13:14, 44 / 16:13 / 17:2 / 18:4, 11) The Sabbath begins
at sundown Friday and lasts until sundown Saturday.
Romans Chapter 14 is
commonly used against Sabbath observance. The entire
chapter is about toleration. Those who were eating meat
were to be tolerant of those who were eating vegetables
only because of conscience sake. Only verses 5 and 6
mention regarding days and Sabbath is nowhere named. The
Gentiles were instructed by James to not eat meat that
had been sacrificed to idols. This was sometimes a
problem because much of the meat sold in the markets
were from animals which had been dedicated for
sacrifice. Rome was a Gentile city which worshiped many
gods and had more sacrifices in some seasons and on some
days than others.
this from The
Life and Epistles of St. Paul, -"The
context shows us that some members of the congregation
there were eating meat, and others were abstaining from
eating meat. The vegetarians were likely members who
"feared lest they should (without knowing it) eat meat
which had been offered to idols or was otherwise
ceremonially unclean (which might easily happen in such
a place as Rome), that they abstained from meat
altogether." Why
are these "days" and "avoiding
meats" mentioned
in connection in
this passage? Probably because a member's reason for not
eating meat was connected to
the "special
days" the
Romans sacrificed to their gods.
Colossians 2:16-17 says
to let no one act as your judge in respect to the
Sabbath day. These Christians were not Jews who had
forsaken Sabbath observance but Gentiles who had
received it. Paul is telling them to not let anyone
judge them for keeping the Sabbath or in how they kept
it. There are two possibilities here, -Relatives and
friends are troubling the new Christians by questioning
them as to why they are practicing “Jewish” things, - or
false brethren (Gnostic Christians) were judging them in
how they observed the Sabbath and other teachings as
well. Since the letter itself is addressing the Gnostic
heresy, it is more likely that the Colossians were being
judged in what foods they ate and how they observed the
feasts and the Sabbath. We see in the Chapter that these
men were teaching “according the tradition of men” and
not “according to the Commandments of God.” They were
practicing a “self-made religion” with the severe
treatment of their own bodies.
Paul could
not have
been referring to Jewish teachers judging the brethren
practices were handed down to them from God, they are in
no way"self-made". And they never taught
"self-abasement" or "severe treatment of the body".
These were probably Gnostic "Christians" that were not
actually critical of the Colossians observing these
commands of God, but may have been critical of the way they
observed them. But what this passage does not say, is
that Jews were trying to force the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD
on the Church in Colossae, but that false teachers were
trying to force "Philosophical" doctrines, "according to
the COMMANDMENTS AND TRADITION of MEN", and "according
to the elementary
principles of the world", rather
than Christ.
Acts 20 is
sometimes used to show the Apostle Paul holding services
on Sunday. When Paul was on his journey to Jerusalem he
stopped many times to strengthen the brethren,
particularly the Elders over the congregations. He had
received several prophecies revealing that he would be
arrested and imprisoned when he arrived at Jerusalem.
Here at Troas, Paul came together to meet with some
brethren on the first day of the week. But this was
hardly a church service because they were gathered in an
upper room and were eating. “Breaking bread” here does
not refer to communion because long into the meeting a
young man fell from the window and died. Paul hurried
down and healed him, then went back up and ate bread and
talked until daybreak. One can easily envision these men
sitting around a table hearing Paul’s last admonition
for them to stand fast in the faith. Later in the
Chapter we can see that Paul met with the Ephesus Elders
when he arrived at Miletus, and how he admonished them
and warned them of what was to come. These clearly were
meetings not services.
1 Corinthians 16:1-4 is
also sometimes used to show that Christians were holding
services on Sunday instead of the Sabbath. At the
council of Jerusalem in Acts 15, James ruled that the
Gentile converts were to remember the poor in Jerusalem.
He was instructing them to provide financial aid to the
poor Christians there. In verse 3 of 1 Corinthians 16 we
see that the collection for the saints is for Jerusalem.
The Christians are told to set aside on the first day of
week, which is the first work day, goods that will be
collected later by Paul and carried to Jerusalem. This
is not referring to the weekly taking up of the tithes
and offerings.
*The very first thing recorded in the
Bible is work being done on the first day of the week.
(Genesis 1:1-5)
commanded men to work on the first day of the week.
(Exodus 20:8-11)
the express command of God, His holy people used the
first day of the week as a common working day
*God calls the first day of the week a "working" day.
(Ezekiel 46:1)
never rested on this day.
never sanctified nor blessed the first day as holy.
*This day has never been blessed by God, Christ or any
of the Apostles.
observance has no Divine authority by the Holy
*The New Testament teaches against doing what is
"unlawful" on the Sabbath, but nowhere forbids work on
the first day of the week.
is never called the "Lord's Day" in the Bible.
Revelation 1 is referring to the "Day of the Lord",
which is the day of the Lord's return, then gives events
leading up to that day. It is not referring to a week
is never called even a rest day. No sacred title is ever
applied to it in Scripture.
*Jesus is never recorded as mentioning it even once in
the Bible.
*Paul directed the saints to look over their secular
affairs on that day. (1 Corinthians 16:2) Paul told them
to set-aside goods on this day for famine relief in
Jerusalem, so that when he came it could be gathered
together and took to the poor brethren in Jerusalem.
Bible nowhere says that the first day of the week
commemorates the resurrection of Christ, even though
portions of it were written as long as 60 years later.
Sunday observance is a TRADITION of MEN, which
contradicts the LAW of GOD. (Matthew 15:1-9) According
to God's Word, Baptism commemorates the burial and
resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:3-5)
*Finally, the New Testament is totally silent with
regard to any change of the Sabbath day or any
sacredness for Sunday, the first day of the week.
Isaiah 66:18-24
❖ After Jesus return in glory, will there eventually be
new heavens and a new earth? _________
❖ Who will come each Sabbath to worship the Lord? ____
Scriptures show that God made a special day in the very
beginning. He pronounced it holy, blessed it and
commanded man to keep it holy and not profane it. We see
that when God chose Israel as His people, He gave them
the Sabbath and called it one of His “Appointed Times.”
He exhorted them to “remember” the Sabbath to keep it
holy. God was very angry with those who profaned the
holy day and even made it a death penalty for breaking
it. Israel and Judah were conquered and carried into
slavery because of idolatry and the breaking of the
Sabbath. Jesus kept the Sabbath His entire life. The
Apostles and the early church kept the Sabbath holy and
assembled for worship on that day. It is one of the Ten
Commandments written into stone by God Himself and was
placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus will
require that all mankind come for assembly and to
worship Him each Sabbath after His return in glory. |